Orla Kiely Teppich mit Blattmuster120x180 cm
559 EUR
Ausführliche Informationen, vergleichen Sie die Preise und finden Sie die Merkmale für Orla Kiely Teppich mit Blattmuster120x180 cm zum Preis von 559 EUR; es gehört zur Kategorie Teppiche & Vorleger; dieses Produkt wird von Next.de verkauft und von Orla Kiely hergestellt.
Orla Kiely's beautiful Solid Stem design is a graphic that will lift modern surroundings. It takes Kiely s signature stem design to create a classic rug, in a ecru grey colourway. Handtufted with a high and low cut pile. Pure New Wool is used to establish a soft, heavyweight pile, that is durable, naturally stain and dirt resistant, easy to maintain, and feels luxurious underfoot. A bold statement in any home, the ingenious use of colour allows this rug to fit around most interior landscapes. A perfect new addition to add to your living room, bedroom and office areas. Available in a large range of sizes from small to extra large. Nicht waschen. 100% Wolle.
EAN: 8719956841453
Versandkosten: 0 EUR
Verfügbarkeit: in stock
Lieferzeit: 4 Werktagen
Zustand: new
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Orla Kiely Teppich mit Blattmuster200x280 cm
1494 EUR
Orla Kiely's beautiful Solid Stem design is a graphic that will lift modern surroundings. It takes Kiely s signature stem design to create a classic rug, in a ecru grey colourway. Handtufted with a high and low cut pile. Pure New Wool is used to establish a soft, heavyweight pile, that is durable, naturally stain and dirt resistant, easy to maintain, and feels luxurious underfoot. A bold statement in any home, the ingenious use of colour allows this rug to fit around most interior landscapes. A perfect new addition to add to your living room, bedroom and office areas. Available in a large range of sizes from small to extra large. Nicht waschen. 100% Wolle.
Orla Kiely Teppich mit Blumenmotiv200x280 cm
1494 EUR
Orla Kiely's beautiful Sprig Stem design is a graphic that will lift modern surroundings. It takes Kiely's signature stem design to create a classic rug, in shades of paprika red and pink. Handtufted with a loop and cut pile. Pure New Wool is used to establish a soft, heavyweight pile, that is durable, naturally stain and dirt resistant, easy to maintain, and feels luxurious underfoot. A bold statement in any home, the ingenious use of colour allows this rug to fit around most interior landscapes. A perfect new addition to add to your living room, bedroom and office areas. Available in a large range of sizes from small to extra large. Nicht waschen. 100% Wolle.
Orla Kiely Teppich mit Blumenmotiv160x230 cm
950 EUR
Orla Kiely's beautiful Sprig Stem design is a graphic that will lift modern surroundings. It takes Kiely's signature stem design to create a classic rug, in shades of paprika red and pink. Handtufted with a loop and cut pile. Pure New Wool is used to establish a soft, heavyweight pile, that is durable, naturally stain and dirt resistant, easy to maintain, and feels luxurious underfoot. A bold statement in any home, the ingenious use of colour allows this rug to fit around most interior landscapes. A perfect new addition to add to your living room, bedroom and office areas. Available in a large range of sizes from small to extra large. Nicht waschen. 100% Wolle.
Orla Kiely Teppich mit Blattmuster160x230 cm
950 EUR
Orla Kiely's beautiful Solid Stem design is a graphic that will lift modern surroundings. It takes Kiely s signature stem design to create a classic rug, in a ecru grey colourway. Handtufted with a high and low cut pile. Pure New Wool is used to establish a soft, heavyweight pile, that is durable, naturally stain and dirt resistant, easy to maintain, and feels luxurious underfoot. A bold statement in any home, the ingenious use of colour allows this rug to fit around most interior landscapes. A perfect new addition to add to your living room, bedroom and office areas. Available in a large range of sizes from small to extra large. Nicht waschen. 100% Wolle.
Orla Kiely Teppich mit Blumenmotiv120x180 cm
559 EUR
Orla Kiely's beautiful Sprig Stem design is a graphic that will lift modern surroundings. It takes Kiely's signature stem design to create a classic rug, in shades of paprika red and pink. Handtufted with a loop and cut pile. Pure New Wool is used to establish a soft, heavyweight pile, that is durable, naturally stain and dirt resistant, easy to maintain, and feels luxurious underfoot. A bold statement in any home, the ingenious use of colour allows this rug to fit around most interior landscapes. A perfect new addition to add to your living room, bedroom and office areas. Available in a large range of sizes from small to extra large. Nicht waschen. 100% Wolle.
riess-ambiente In- und Outdoor Teppich TROPICAL 180x120cm grün pink Blatt Design Läufer wetterfest
79.95 EUR
MODERN In- und Outdoor Teppich mit floralem Palmenblatt-DesignOUTDOOR dank seiner robusten Materialien ist er wetterfest und pflegeleichtINDIVIDUELL perfekt für Wohnzimmer, Balkon oder TerrasseAMBIENTE Genieße Deinen Teppich mit bezauberndem Blattmuster!B x H x T (ca.) 178 x 0,5 x 119 cm Abmessungen (ca.):Breite 178 cmTiefe 119 cmFlorhöhe 0,5 cm Farbe:grün, pink Material:Oberseite: 100% PolyesterUnterseite: 100% Polypropylen Produktdetails:wetterfestes, robustes und pflegeleichtes Materialfür In- und Outdoor geeignetfür die Verwendung mit Fußbodenheizung geeignetMuster: floral / BlätterLieferumfang: 1 Teppich Dschungel-Feeling mit dem In- und Outdoor Teppich TROPICALTropisches Flair für Deine Outdoor-Oase: Der Teppich-Läufer TROPICAL bringt das Gefühl des urbanen Dschungels direkt zu Dir nach Hause! Mit seinem ansprechenden, floralen Blattmuster in lebendigem Grün und auffälligem Pink verleiht dieser Teppich Deinem Wohnbereich eine erfrischende Natürlichkeit. Der TROPICAL Teppich ist nicht nur ein Blickfang in Deinem Wohnzimmer, sondern auch im Freien eine Bereicherung. Sein wetterfestes Material ermöglicht die Nutzung auf Balkonen, Terrassen oder im Garten. Ob drinnen oder draußen – der wetterfeste Teppich mit grünen und pinken Blättern verwandelt Dein Zuhause in ein modernes Boho-Paradies!Wetterfest, robust und pflegeleicht: Moderner Teppich mit Blätter-DesignEs gibt doch nichts Schöneres, als barfuß bei sommerlichen Temperaturen über Deinen angenehmen Outdoor-Teppich zu laufen! Mit seinen Maßen von 180x120 cm bereichert der große, rutschfeste Teppichläufer Dein Ambiente und sorgt für ein angenehmes Laufgefühl. Entdecke mit dem TROPICAL Teppich die Schönheit der Natur in Deinem Zuhause und schaffe eine entspannte Atmosphäre, egal ob im urbanen Dschungel oder im eigenen Garten. Mit den passenden Lounge-Möbeln schaffst Du eine gemütliche Outdoor-Oase zum Entspannen!
Orla Kiely Sycamore Gestreifte Ösenvorhänge117 x 137 cm
69 EUR
Sycamore Stripe is a brand-new Orla Kiely print for your home this season. Creating movement with its vine-like shape, this bold design uses graphic shapes inspired by sycamore tree seeds in a timeless combination of navy blue and cream. Printed onto a 100% cotton base, these eyelet curtains feature the brand's iconic Linear Stem design in neutral cream shades on the lining. Nur chemisch reinigen. Vorderseite 100 % Baumwolle. Futter 50 % Polyester, 50 % Baumwolle.
Orla Kiely Retro Flower Stripe 100% Cotton Cushion30x50 cm
58 EUR
Add a pop of 70s style to your home with this Retro Flower Stripe cushion. In a nostalgic colour palette of yellows and ochre shades, this graphic, feather filled cushion features a textured cotton face and a soft, plain cotton velvet reverse and piped edge. Cushions are filled with a fine denier, recycled polyester cushion pad. Schwamm reinigen Only. 100 % Baumwolle.
Orla Kiely Buttercup 100% Cotton Cushion45x45 cm
61 EUR
Playful and graphic, a trio of buttercups in vivid greens and bright pink decorates this eye-catching, textured cotton cushion. This cushion features Orla Kiely's signature Solid Stem print on the reverse. Cushions are filled with a fine denier, recycled polyester cushion pad. Schwamm reinigen Only. 100 % Baumwolle.
Orla Kiely Handtuch aus 100 % Baumwolle mit BlumenduoHandtuch
29.95 EUR
In a joyful palette of bright pink and orange, Orla Kiely's signature stem motif marries beautifully with another quintessential Orla motif, the four-petal flower, to add a playful touch to your bathroom. These 100% cotton woven towels are finished with a burnt orange bordered edge. Sizes available: Bath sheet L150cm x W100cm: bath towel L125cm x W70cm and hand towel L90cm x W50cm. Co-ordinating bathmat available (L90cm x W50cm). Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Homescapes - Outdoor-Teppich Ada aus Polypropylen mit floralem Blätter-Design, 120 x 180 cm
29.99 EUR
Marke: Homescapes Farbe: Grün und Weiß Material: 100% recyceltes Polypropylen Pflegehinweis: Bei Bedarf mit einem feuchten Tuch abwischen Lieferumfang: 1 Teppich Der Polypropylen-Teppich Ada von Homescapes ist die ideale Garten- und Terrassen-Deko. Garten-Teppich mit Blattmuster Unser wasserfester Outdoor-Teppich kommt mit dem modernen Blätter-Muster daher, welches ideal in jeden Außenbereich passt. Auch Regenwetter kann dem hochwertigen Teppich aus recyceltem Polypropylen nichts anhaben. Der Outdoor-Teppich ist in 3 Größen erhältlich. Grüner Outdoor-Teppich Unseren flachgewebten Polypropylen-Teppich gibt es auch in anderen Designs von neutral bis bunt. Der Teppich ist auch für den Einsatz in den Innenräumen, auf Outdoor-Events, im Wohnwagen oder beim Picknick geeignet. Bei Homescapes sind ebenso viele weitere Gartendeko-Artikel als Teil unseres Heimartikel-Sortiments verfügbar, sodass Sie nach Lust und Laune dekorieren können. Beim Gebrauch in den Innenräumen empfehlen wir
Orla Kiely Multi Stem 100% Baumwolle Bettbezug und Kissenbezug SetDoppelt
130 EUR
Bring a bold sixties feel to your bedroom with Orla Kiely's iconic Multi Stem design. Coloured in warm tan tones, yellows, and playful pops of pistachio and pink this design is perfect for adding a touch of retro charm to your room. Available in sizes: single set, double set, king set and super king set. Set includes duvet cover and 2 pillowcases (Includes 1 pillowcase with single set). Pillowcases available to purchase separately include two in a set. Waschmaschinenfest Bettbezug und Kissenbezug: 100 % Baumwolle
Orla Kiely, Tiny Stem, Bettbezug aus 100 % BaumwolleZWEIFACH
100 EUR
Smart and classic, Orla Kiely s Tiny Stem decorates a luxurious 200 thread count cotton bedding, in a rich whale blue colourway. Duvet cover available in sizes: Single, Double, King and Super king (pillowcases are not included, they are available to purchase separately). Composition 100% Cotton percale. 200 thread count. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Orla Kiely, Tiny Stem, Bettbezug aus 100 % BaumwolleSUPER KING
130 EUR
Smart and classic, Orla Kiely s Tiny Stem decorates a luxurious 200 thread count cotton bedding, in a rich whale blue colourway. Duvet cover available in sizes: Single, Double, King and Super king (pillowcases are not included, they are available to purchase separately). Composition 100% Cotton percale. 200 thread count. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Orla Kiely 100% Baumwolle Dackel Kissen40x60 cm
84 EUR
Add a playful touch to your home with the adorable Dachshund design by Orla Kiely. Coloured in a retro palette of olive greens, jet black and sunset orange, this 100% cotton cushion feature a coordinating spot flower design on the reverse for a 1970s-inspired look. Schwamm reinigen Only. 100 % Baumwolle.
Orla Kiely Multi Stem 100% Baumwolle Bettbezug und Kissenbezug SetKing
146 EUR
Bring a bold sixties feel to your bedroom with Orla Kiely's iconic Multi Stem design. Coloured in warm tan tones, yellows, and playful pops of pistachio and pink this design is perfect for adding a touch of retro charm to your room. Available in sizes: single set, double set, king set and super king set. Set includes duvet cover and 2 pillowcases (Includes 1 pillowcase with single set). Pillowcases available to purchase separately include two in a set. Waschmaschinenfest Bettbezug und Kissenbezug: 100 % Baumwolle
MOSS, Orla Kiely, Cut Stem, Handtuch aus 100 % BaumwolleDuschtuch
46 EUR
These luxuriously soft, 100% cotton towels are perfect for adding a retro touch to your bathroom. The statement design is inspired by the beautifully scattered flowers of a florist's table and features Orla's signature stem motif in a cool palette of moss green, cream, and charcoal. Sizes available: Bath sheet L150cm x W100cm: bath towel L125cm x W70cm and hand towel L90cm x W50cm. Co-ordinating bath mat available (L90cm x W50cm). Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Orla Kiely, Tiny Stem, Bettbezug aus 100 % BaumwolleEINZELBETT
74 EUR
Smart and classic, Orla Kiely s Tiny Stem decorates a luxurious 200 thread count cotton bedding, in a rich whale blue colourway. Duvet cover available in sizes: Single, Double, King and Super king (pillowcases are not included, they are available to purchase separately). Composition 100% Cotton percale. 200 thread count. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Orla Kiely 2 Pack Sycamore Stripe 100% Cotton PillowcasesSchmaler Kissenbezug, Paar
35.95 EUR
Sycamore Stripe is a brand-new Orla Kiely print for your home this season. Creating movement with its vine-like shape, this bold design uses graphic shapes inspired by sycamore tree seeds, in a timeless combination of navy blue and cream, printed onto a 200 thread count 100% cotton base. Available in sizes: single set, double set, king set and Super king set. Set includes duvet cover and 2 pillowcases (Includes 1 pillowcase with single set). Pillowcases available to purchase separatly include two in a set. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Orla Kiely Sycamore Gestreifte Ösenvorhänge229x274 cm
199 EUR
Sycamore Stripe is a brand-new Orla Kiely print for your home this season. Creating movement with its vine-like shape, this bold design uses graphic shapes inspired by sycamore tree seeds in a timeless combination of navy blue and cream. Printed onto a 100% cotton base, these eyelet curtains feature the brand's iconic Linear Stem design in neutral cream shades on the lining. Nur chemisch reinigen. Vorderseite 100 % Baumwolle. Futter 50 % Polyester, 50 % Baumwolle.
Regatta Girls Orla Kiely Change Robe110116 cm
75 EUR
The Orla Kiely Girls' Changing Robe from Regatta is perfect for adventure-filled days. The waterproof Hydrafort fabric comes with taped seams, so no rain gets through. They'll stay cosy with the borg fleece lining. The grown-on hood provides extra coverage. The girls' changing robe is finished with two pockets. Ideal for discreet changing at the beach or pool. Machine washable. 100% Polyester.
Regatta Orla Kiely Mädchen Badeanzug13 Jahre (158 cm)
36.95 EUR
The Orla Kiely Girls' Swim Suit from Regatta will get them holiday ready. The girls' swimming costume offers a comfortable fit with just the right amount of stretch. They'll love the vibrant all-over prints designed by Orla Kiely. Practical as it is stylish, it's finished with UV protection (UPF). Waschmaschinenfest 85 % Polyester, 15 % Elastan.