Next Windlicht aus Keramik mit HäusermotivenEinheitsgröße

39.95 EUR Untersuchen Sie die detaillierte Karte mit umfassenden Informationen, vergleichen Sie die Preise und finden Sie die Merkmale von Next Windlicht aus Keramik mit HäusermotivenEinheitsgröße, zum Verkaufspreis von 39.95 EUR; gehört zur Kategorie Dekoration; das Produkt wird von verkauft und von Next hergestellt.

This hurricane can be styled beautifully in any room or space. The cut out detail adds a pop of candle light to create the perfect ambience to your home. 100% Steinzeug.

EAN: 5063405480865
Versandkosten: 4.95 EUR
Verfügbarkeit: in stock
Lieferzeit: 4 Werktagen
Zustand: new

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Masterclass Can-to-pan Pfanne aus Keramik, 28 cmEinheitsgröße Masterclass Can-to-pan Pfanne aus Keramik, 28 cmEinheitsgröße 58 EUR MasterClass Can-to-Pan 30cm Ceramic Frying Pan. Spülmaschinenfest. 80 % Aluminium, 12 % Glas, 8 % Plastik.
Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 28cm Bratpfanne und DeckelEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 28cm Bratpfanne und DeckelEinheitsgröße 207 EUR Goodbye clutter, hello Space! This 28 cm (3.8 qt) non-stick saute pan has a clever, folding stainless-steel handle that saves up to 50% more space than a standard pan when stored. Engineered to last, the handle features our patented and fail-safe SwingLock™ Mechanism that locks the handle securely into position during use and optimises space when folded. Opposite, there s a handy, folding helper handle too, giving you more lifting and carrying support when you need it. When it comes to cooking performance there s no compromise either. The professional quality, heavy-gauge aluminium body ensures even heat distibution that eliminates hot spots and is built to last. The high-performance, ceramic non-stick coating is super durable, easy to clean and allows you to achieve exceptional cooking results. It s healthier to cook with too as it s free from PTFE, PFAS, PFOA, Lead and Cadmium, which means you can prepare all your favourite recipes with confidence. Suitable for all hob types, including induction, it also comes with a tempered glass lid with a folding handle. Part of the Space cookware range - created for cooks, made for storage. Spülmaschinenfest. 47% Aluminium, 32% Edelstahl, 20% Glas, 1% Silikon.
Masterclass Can-to-pan Pfanne aus Keramik, 18 cmEinheitsgröße Masterclass Can-to-pan Pfanne aus Keramik, 18 cmEinheitsgröße 60 EUR MasterClass Cast Aluminium 4 L Casserole - Mint. Spülmaschinenfest. 100 % Aluminium.
Masterclass Can-to-pan Pfanne aus Keramik, 20 cmEinheitsgröße Masterclass Can-to-pan Pfanne aus Keramik, 20 cmEinheitsgröße 43 EUR Masterclass Stainless Steel Box Grater & Box. Spülmaschinenfest. 85 % Edelstahl, 15 % Plastik.
Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 23cm Topf und DeckelEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 23cm Topf und DeckelEinheitsgröße 191 EUR Goodbye clutter, hello Space! This 23 cm (5.4 qt) non-stick saucepan has a clever, folding stainless-steel handle that saves up to 50% more space than a standard pan when stored. Engineered to last, the handle features our patented and fail-safe SwingLock™ Mechanism that locks the handle securely into position during use and optimises space when folded. Opposite, there s a handy, folding helper handle too, giving you more lifting and carrying support when you need it. When it comes to cooking performance there s no compromise either. The professional quality, heavy-gauge aluminium body ensures even heat distibution that eliminates hot spots and is built to last. The high-performance, ceramic non-stick coating is super durable, easy to clean and allows you to achieve exceptional cooking results. It s healthier to cook with too as it s free from PTFE, PFAS, PFOA, Lead and Cadmium, which means you can prepare all your favourite recipes with confidence. It comes with a tempered glass lid that also has a folding handle, making storage even easier. Suitable for all hob types, including induction, this pan is part of the Space cookware range - created for cooks, and made for storage. Spülmaschinenfest. 49% Aluminium, 35% Edelstahl, 15% Glas, 1% Silikon.
Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 28cm flache AuflaufformEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 28cm flache AuflaufformEinheitsgröße 214 EUR Goodbye clutter, hello Space! This 28 cm (5 qt) non-stick shallow casserole has folding, stainless-steel handles that are engineered to last and take up less room when stored. The professional quality, heavy-gauge aluminium body ensures even heat distribution that eliminates hot spots and is built to last. The high-performance, ceramic non-stick coating is super durable, easy to clean and allows you to achieve exceptional cooking results. It s healthier to cook with too as it s free from PTFE, PFAS, PFOA, Lead and Cadmium, which means you can prepare all your favourite recipes with confidence. Perfect for braising meats and vegetables, and cooking stews and casseroles, it comes with a tempered glass lid that also has a folding handle, making storage even easier. Suitable for all hob types, including induction, this pan is part of the Space cookware range - created for cooks, made for storage. Goodbye clutter, hello Space! This 28 cm (5 qt) non-stick shallow casserole has folding, stainless-steel handles that are engineered to last and take up less room when stored. The professional quality, heavy- gauge aluminium body ensures even heat distibution that eliminates hot spots and is built to last. The high performance, ceramic non-stick coating is super durable, easy to clean and allows you to achieve exceptional cooking results. It s healthier to cook with too as it s free from PTFE, PFAS, PFOA, Lead and Cadmium, which means you can prepare all your favourite recipes with confidence. Perfect for braising meats and vegetables, and cooking stews and casseroles, it comes with a tempered glass lid that also has a folding handle, making storage even easier. Suitable for all hob types, including induction, this pan is part of the Space cookware range - created for cooks, and made for storage. Spülmaschinenfest. 53% Aluminium, 26% Edelstahl, 20% Glas, 1% Silikon.
Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 15cm Topf und DeckelEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 15cm Topf und DeckelEinheitsgröße 138 EUR Goodbye clutter, hello Space! This 15 cm (1.4 qt) non-stick saucepan has a clever, folding stainless-steel handle that saves up to 50% more space than a standard pan when stored. Engineered to last, the handle features our patented and fail-safe SwingLock™ Mechanism that locks the handle securely into position during use and optimises space when folded. When it comes to cooking performance there s no compromise either. The professional quality, heavy-gauge aluminium body ensures even heat distribution that eliminates hot spots and is built to last. The high-performance, ceramic non-stick coating is super durable, easy to clean and allows you to achieve exceptional cooking results. It s healthier to cook with too as it s free from PTFE, PFAS, PFOA, Lead and Cadmium, which means you can prepare all your favourite recipes with confidence. It comes with a tempered glass lid that also has a folding handle, making storage even easier. Suitable for all hob types, including induction, this pan is part of the Space cookware range - created for cooks, and made for storage. Spülmaschinenfest. 45% Stainless steel, 42% Aluminium, 12% Glass, 1% Silicone.
Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 19cm Topf und DeckelEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 19cm Topf und DeckelEinheitsgröße 153 EUR Goodbye clutter, hello Space! This 19 cm (2.9 qt) non-stick saucepan has a clever, folding stainless-steel handle that saves up to 50% more space than a standard pan when stored. Engineered to last, the handle features our patented and fail-safe SwingLock™ Mechanism that locks the handle securely into position during use and optimises space when folded. When it comes to cooking performance there s no compromise either. The professional quality, heavy-gauge aluminium body ensures even heat distribution that eliminates hot spots and is built to last. The high-performance, ceramic non-stick coating is super durable, easy to clean and allows you to achieve exceptional cooking results. It's healthier to cook with too as it s free from PTFE, PFAS, PFOA, Lead and Cadmium, which means you can prepare all your favourite recipes with confidence. It comes with a tempered glass lid that also has a folding handle, making storage even easier. Suitable for all hob types, including induction, this pan is part of the Space cookware range - created for cooks, and made for storage. Spülmaschinenfest. 49% Aluminium, 35% Edelstahl, 15% Glas, 1% Silikon.
Masterclass Can-to-pan Pfanne aus Keramik, 30 cmEinheitsgröße Masterclass Can-to-pan Pfanne aus Keramik, 30 cmEinheitsgröße 63 EUR KitchenAid Garlic Press - Empire Red. Spülmaschinenfest. 80 % Plastik, 20 % Edelstahl.
Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 28cm BratpfanneEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 28cm BratpfanneEinheitsgröße 176 EUR Goodbye clutter, hello Space! This 28 cm (11) non-stick frying pan has a clever, folding stainless-steel handle that saves up to 50% more space than a standard pan when stored. Engineered to last, the handle features our patented and fail-safe SwingLock™ Mechanism that locks the handle securely into position during use and optimises space when folded. Opposite, there s a handy, folding helper handle too, giving you more lifting and carrying support when you need it. When it comes to cooking performance there s no compromise either. The professional quality, heavy-gauge aluminium body ensures even heat distibution that eliminates hot spots and is built to last. The high-performance, ceramic non-stick coating is super durable, easy to clean and allows you to achieve exceptional cooking results. It s healthier to cook with too as it s free from PTFE, PFAS, PFOA, Lead and Cadmium, which means you can prepare all your favourite recipes with confidence. Suitable for all hob types, including induction, this pan is part of the Space cookware range - created for cooks, made for storage. Spülmaschinenfest. 64 % Aluminium, 36 % Edelstahl.
Masterclass Can-to-pan Pfanne aus Keramik, 24 cmEinheitsgröße Masterclass Can-to-pan Pfanne aus Keramik, 24 cmEinheitsgröße 52 EUR KitchenAid Euro S/S Swivel Peeler - Empire Red. Spülmaschinenfest. 95% Kunststoff, 5% Metall.
Joseph Joseph Space Bratpfanne aus Keramik mit klappbarem Griff und Antihaftbeschichtung 30 cmEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Space Bratpfanne aus Keramik mit klappbarem Griff und Antihaftbeschichtung 30 cmEinheitsgröße 191 EUR Goodbye clutter, hello Space! This 30 cm (12) non-stick frying pan has a clever, folding stainless-steel handle that saves up to 50% more space than a standard pan when stored. Engineered to last, the handle features our patented and fail-safe SwingLock™ Mechanism that locks the handle securely into position during use and optimises space when folded. Opposite, there s a handy, folding helper handle too, giving you more lifting and carrying support when you need it. When it comes to cooking performance there s no compromise either. The professional quality, heavy-gauge aluminium body ensures even heat distribution that eliminates hot spots and is built to last. The high-performance, ceramic non-stick coating is super durable, easy to clean and allows you to achieve exceptional cooking results. It's healthier to cook with too as it s free from PTFE, PFAS, PFOA, Lead and Cadmium, which means you can prepare all your favourite recipes with confidence. Suitable for all hob types, including induction, this pan is part of the Space cookware range - created for cooks, and made for storage. Spülmaschinenfest. 66 % Aluminium, 34 % Edelstahl.
Joseph Joseph Space Bratpfanne aus Keramik mit klappbarem Griff und Antihaftbeschichtung 20 cmEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Space Bratpfanne aus Keramik mit klappbarem Griff und Antihaftbeschichtung 20 cmEinheitsgröße 130 EUR Goodbye clutter, hello Space! This 20 cm (8) non-stick frying pan has a clever, folding stainless-steel handle that saves up to 50% more space than a standard pan when stored. Engineered to last, the handle features our patented and fail-safe SwingLock™ Mechanism that locks the handle securely into position during use and optimises space when folded. When it comes to cooking performance there s no compromise either. The professional quality, heavy-gauge aluminium body ensures even heat distibution that eliminates hot spots and is built to last. The high-performance, ceramic non-stick coating is super durable, easy to clean and allows you to achieve exceptional cooking results. It s healthier to cook with too as it s free from PTFE, PFAS, PFOA, Lead and Cadmium, which means you can prepare all your favourite recipes with confidence. Suitable for all hob types, including induction, this pan is part of the Space cookware range - created for cooks, made for storage. Spülmaschinenfest. 52 % Aluminium, 48 % Edelstahl.
Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 24cm BratpfanneEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Space Klappgriff Keramik Antihaft 24cm BratpfanneEinheitsgröße 146 EUR Goodbye clutter, hello Space! This 24 cm (9.5) non-stick frying pan has a clever, folding stainless-steel handle that saves up to 50% more space than a standard pan when stored. Engineered to last, the handle features our patented and fail-safe SwingLock™ Mechanism that locks the handle securely into position during use and optimises space when folded. When it comes to cooking performance there s no compromise either. The professional quality, heavy-gauge aluminium body ensures even heat distribution that eliminates hot spots and is built to last. The high-performance, ceramic non-stick coating is super durable, easy to clean and allows you to achieve exceptional cooking results. It s healthier to cook with too as it s free from PTFE, PFAS, PFOA, Lead and Cadmium, which means you can prepare all your favourite recipes with confidence. Suitable for all hob types, including induction, this pan is part of the Space cookware range - created for cooks, and made for storage. Spülmaschinenfest. 56 % Aluminium, 44 % Edelstahl.
Next Keramik-Eierschale „HuhnEinheitsgröße Next Keramik-Eierschale „Huhn"Einheitsgröße 37.95 EUR Bring character to your kitchen with our ceramic chicken egg holder featuring a sage green spot design and raffia hair that gives an adorable touch. Nur abwischbar. 100% Keramik.