Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus KunstpelzBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
69 EUR
Konsultieren Sie die vollständige Karte mit detaillierten Informationen, vergleichen Sie die Preise und finden Sie die Merkmale von Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus KunstpelzBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm), zum Preis von 69 EUR; gehört zur Kategorie Kinderwagen & Zubehör; der Verkäufer ist und der Hersteller ist Mamas & Papas.
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
EAN: 5057232035060
Versandkosten: 0 EUR
Verfügbarkeit: in stock
Lieferzeit: 4 Werktagen
Zustand: new
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Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus Kunstpelz3 bis 6 Monate
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
Maxi-Cosi Zelia S Trio Kinderwagen 3 in 1 Komplettset, Zusammenklappbar, Kompakt, Verstellbarer Baby Kinderwagen, mit CabrioFix S i-Size Babyschale, Zubehör, Wickeltasche, 0-4 Jahre, bis 22 kg, Grey - Grau
405.32 EUR
Was ist im Karton?SonnenverdeckKinderwagenAutositzEinlageRegenschutzEinkaufskorbSonnenschirm-ClipSicherheitsbügelKinderwagenaufsatzSchuhabdeckungMatratzeAdapterBabywannen-Adapter enthaltenGestell4 RäderBENUTZERFREUNDLICHKEIT5-Punkt-SicherheitsgurtSchwenkbarer Sicherheitsbügelkompakt und einfach zusammen zu faltenLeichter Kinderwagen (< 10kg)Einhändig verstellbarer SchiebebügelVorderradsperreLeicht mit einer Hand zu lenkenEinfach komplett zurückstellbar für die Nutzung ab der GeburtWendbarer SitzGeräumiger XL-Korb (>5kg)3,2 kg leichter KindersitzAutositz mit Speicherfreigabetasten für KinderwagenSelbststehendes Verdeck über dem KindersitzKOMFORTPerfekter Liegekomfort einschl. echter MatratzeWeichgepolsterter SitzAusziehbares VerdeckDurchsichtiges Belüftungsfenster mit Peek-a-BooVerstellbarer SportsitzWendbarer SportsitzAllradaufhängung mit 2 Stoßdämpferfedern hintenGroße All-Terrain-RäderKindersitz mit großem schützendem Sonnenverdeck mit UPF 40Kindersitz mit herausnehmbarem Sitzverkleinerer mit separatem KopfpolsterLANGE VERWENDUNGKindersitz mit i-Size-SicherheitsstandardsIntegrierter KinderwagenaufsatzPannensichere Räder3-in-1 TravelsystemALLGEMEINESCRS-Adapter inbegriffen4 RäderSicherheitsbügel inbegriffenMit EinkaufskorbRegenschutz inbegriffenWinddecke inbegriffenMatratze inbegriffenAbnehmbarer BezugWaschbarer BezugIn der Wachstumsphase deines Babys möchtest du nicht ständig neue Babyprodukte kaufen müssen. Zelia S Trio 3-1-1 Travelsystem ist da, um den Tag zu retten! Der praktische 2-in-1-Kinderwagen ist mit einem Kinderwagenaufsatz, der sich in einen Kinderwagensitz umwandeln lässt, einem dazu passenden, stilvollen Maxi-Cosi CabrioFix S i-Size und einer Wickeltasche für alle unverzichtbaren Babyprodukte ausgestattet. Eine umfassendes Travelsystem für Babys für unbeschwerte Fahrten vom ersten Tag an, mit den bekannten hohen Sicherheitsstandards von Maxi-Cosi.Kinderwagen Zelia SDer Zelia S bietet alle Features, die für den perfekten Kinderwagen unverzichtbar sind. Der leichte Kinderwagen mit schnellem und einfachem kompaktem Faltsystem lässt sich leicht manövrieren. Dein Baby sitzt bequem im weich gepolsterten Sitz, den du für ein Schläfchen einfach zurückstellen kannst, sodass dein Kinderwagen zu einem Bett wird. Der wendbare Sitz lässt sich superschnell umdrehen, sodass dein Baby immer in der ersten Reihe sitzt und die Stadt genießen kann. Darüber hinaus gleitet er dank der Allradaufhängung mit zwei stoßdämpfenden Federn überall bei jeder Fahrt sanft über jeden Straßenbelag. Der leichte Kinderwagen kann ab der Geburt bis etwa 4 Jahre verwendet werden und ist somit eine langfristige Lösung in diesem umfassenden Travelsystems.Zelia S 2-in-1-SitzeinheitDer 2-in-1-Kinderwagen Zelia S verfügt nicht nur über einen bequemen und wendbaren Sitz, sondern lässt sich in einen großen Aufsatz verwandeln. Der Kinderwagenaufsatz ist mit einer bequemen Matratze versehen, damit dein Baby auch unterwegs so gut schläft wie im eigenen Bettchen.Babyschale...
Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus Kunstpelz6 bis 9 Monate
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus Kunstpelz9 - 12 Monate (74 - 80 cm)
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Braunes Sweatshirt mit EichelmotivBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
29.95 EUR
Mamas & Papas Explore the World Baby to Toddler collection features stylish and comfy elevated basics and day-to-day clothing that can be co-ordinated or worn as separates, for a wardrobe that's easy to wear and looks adorable. With attention to detail in every piece, to make it ultra-comfortable, wearable and easy to care for. Acorn placement print sweatshirt. Ribbed hem and cuffs. Slogan placement and Acorn boucle texture placement print. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, Obermaterial: 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz: 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas Bestickter Teddy-Strampler aus 100 % Baumwolle in CreamBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
39.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A beautiful romper created from super soft cotton and features classic embroidered bear detail. Popper fastening for quick and easy nappy changes and dressing/undressing. Full Washing Instructions: 40-degree wash, do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas besticktes, 2-teiliges Strick-Set in Weiß aus 100 % BaumwolleBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
49 EUR
Get your little one dressed to impress with this stunning collection of occasion wear from Mamas & Papas. Crafted from luxury fabrics, these mini party outfits are designed to be both comfy and stylish. And because we know every special outfit needs those finishing touches, we've added plenty of delicate details and embellishments. 2-piece embroidered knit set. Scallop edged collar, gathered sleeves and ribbed hem and cuffs detailing. Ribbed elasticated waistband with embroidery detail on foot, front of body and sleeves Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas 2-teiliges Set mit Mütze mit Bärenohren und Fausthandschuhen, GrauBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
29.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. A curated collection of pieces that sit effortlessly together for easy day-to-day dressing, with attention to detail and considered features that make this clothing easy for parents to use and care for. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable easy clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Hat and mitts set in super soft oatmeal marl fabric. Bonnet-style hat with easy Velcro fastening and ear detail. Mitts have elasticated cuffs so are easy to get on and off and feature an embroidered bear face on each mitt, with cute ear detail. Full Washing Instructions: 40-degree wash, do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. Waschmaschinenfest Hauptmaterial: 100 % Baumwolle. Innenfutter: 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz: 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elastan.
Mamas & Papas - Set aus Latzhose und Body aus 100 % Crinkle-Baumwolle, PinkBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
49 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. 2-piece dungaree set with bodysuit. Bodysuit with frill collar and cuffs. Crinkled jersey dungaree with flower embroidery. Straps with concealed buttons. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Braunes Kleid aus 100% Baumwolle mit Peter-Pan-Kragen und Floral PrintBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
54 EUR
Mamas & Papas teamed up with the iconic brand Laura Ashley, to create this exclusive collection of clothing. To create this collaborative range, they delved into Laura Ashley's illustrious archives to discover iconic prints that could be re-imagined. The result is a highly covetable collection of beautiful baby clothing and accessories full of impressive prints, premium fabric and exquisite detail. A real standout addition to their wardrobe and irreplaceable pieces that can be loved now, passed on and treasured by new generations. Peter Pan collar dress with Laura Ashley autumn floral all-over print. Frill collar with embroidery detail. Elasticated cuffs. Buttons on centre front placket. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash, Do Not Bleach, Cool Tumble Dry, Cool Iron, Do Not Dry Clean, Wash Dark Colours Seperately, Iron On Reverse. Nur chemisch reinigen. 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Schlafanzüge, Pink, Aquarell, Floral aus 100 % Baumwolle, im 3er-PackBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
38.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection. this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Mamas & Papas Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits. in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Handy 3-pack of 100% cotton sleepsuits in 3 different floral patterns- 1 watercolour floral: 1 plain dusted peony with floral placement print: 1 ditsy floral print. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash. Do Not Bleach. Cool Tumble Dry. Cool Iron. Do Not Dry Clean. Wash Dark Colours Seperately. Iron On Reverse. 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Pink Aquarell Blumen Bodysuit und Jogginghose SetBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
38.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. 2-piece set in water colour floral print. Made from 100% cotton jersey. Long sleeves with frill detail. Matching sweatpants with elasticated waist and ribbed cuffs. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately. 40 degree wash, Obermaterial: 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz: 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas - ärmelloser Strampler aus geripptem Bio-Material in RosaBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
29.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Sleeveless pink romper, made from organic ribbed cotton. With Popper fastening at shoulder for easier dressing and undressing. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas Kinderwagenanzug aus Sherpa-Fleece in CremeBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection. this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Mamas & Papas Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits. in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Jersey lined Borg pramsuit with easy zip fastening. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash. Do Not Bleach. Cool Tumble Dry. Cool Iron. Do Not Dry Clean. Wash Dark Colours Separately. Shell 100% Polyester. Wadding 100% Polyester. Lining 100% Cotton.
Mamas & Papas Mesh Tutu und Bodysuit SetBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
54 EUR
Get your little one dressed to impress with this stunning collection of occasion wear from Mamas & Papas. Crafted from luxury fabrics, these mini party outfits are designed to be both comfy and stylish. And because we know every special outfit needs those finishing touches, we've added plenty of delicate details and embellishments. 2-piece bodysuit and tutu set. Includes long-sleeved jersey ribbed bodysuit with frill shoulder and tulle mesh tutu with elasticated waistband Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, Obermaterial: 94 % Baumwolle, 6 % Elasthan. Futter 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Borg-Stiefel, CremeBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
25.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Mamas & Papas Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Soft Borg booties with 3D Ears and jersey cuff. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash, Do Not Bleach, Cool Tumble Dry, Cool Iron, Do Not Dry Clean, Wash Dark Colours Separately. Haupt - 100 % Polyester. Innenfutter - 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz - 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas Braune, gerippte Latzhose und Body mit Teddybärmotiv aus 100 % Baumwolle im SetBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
49 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. 2-piece set, includes cream collared bodysuit with bear embroidery and brown knitted dungarees, with enclosed feet. Popper fastening on crotch of bodysuit. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Blau GrobstrickpulloverBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
38.95 EUR
Mamas & Papas Explore the World Baby to Toddler collection features stylish and comfy elevated basics and day-to-day clothing that can be co-ordinated or worn as separates, for a wardrobe that's easy to wear and looks adorable. With attention to detail in every piece, to make it ultra-comfortable, wearable and easy to care for. Knitted striped cardigan with raglan sleeves. Ribbed neckline hem and cuffs. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 56% Baumwolle, 37% Acryl, 7% Polyester.
Mamas & Papas, Safari-Strampler mit Stickerei aus 100 % Baumwolle, CreamBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
39.95 EUR
From newborn to 2 years old, Mamas & Papas have got those comfy essentials covered. Made from beautifully soft jersey cotton that will be kind to baby's skin, their Basics collection is perfect for stocking up on wardrobe staples. And because they know just how many times you will be popping them in the washing machine, they've made sure these tough-wearing basics won't let you down. Whether you're cuddling up at home or getting all wrapped up for a walk, this all-in-one suit will keep baby cosy and warm. It's got 6 cute safari characters embroidered onto the front of the soft jersey fabric, some of which can be found in our Welcome to the World soft toy range. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, warm iron, do not dry clean, wash with similar colours, wash inside out, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas - brauner Schlafanzug mit Entenmotiv aus 100 % Baumwolle mit ReißverschlussBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
32.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Long-sleeved all in one sleepsuit with duckling print. Zip fastening. Crafted from 100% cotton Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Body aus 100 % Baumwolle mit Storch in Weiß im 5er-PackBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
32.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. 6-pack short-sleeved bodysuits. 2 stork print, 2 spotty and 1 grey with stork symbol. Popper fastening at crotch. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas - braune Schlafanzüge mit Wildtier-Print aus 100 % Baumwolle im 3er-PackBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
38.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Mamas & Papas Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Handy 3-pack of 100% cotton sleepsuits in wild animal prints: 1 zebra print, 1 footprint print, 1 light sage with zebra placement print. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash, Do Not Bleach, Cool Tumble Dry, Cool Iron, Do Not Dry Clean, Wash Dark Colours Seperately, Iron On Reverse. Nur chemisch reinigen. 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas - Schlafanzüge mit Storchmotiv aus 100 % Baumwolle im 3er-Pack, WeißBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
38.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. 3-pack long-sleeved all in one sleepsuits. Includes 1 stork print, 1 spot print and 1 grey with stork logo. Full popper fastening Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Blue 100% Cotton Geometric Shortie RomperBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
54 EUR
Mamas & Papas teamed up with the iconic brand Laura Ashley, to create this exclusive collection of clothing. To create this collaborative range, they delved into Laura Ashley's illustrious archives to discover iconic prints that could be re-imagined. The result is a highly covetable collection of beautiful baby clothing and accessories full of impressive prints, premium fabric and exquisite detail. A real standout addition to their wardrobe and irreplaceable pieces that can be loved now, passed on and treasured by new generations. Laura Ashley geometric print, collar detail shortie romper. Elasticated leg opening for comfort. Popper crotch fastening. Unique shape, full of volume. Gathered raglan sleeves with elasticated cuff. Frill collar with embroidered flowers. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash, Do Not Bleach, Cool Tumble Dry, Cool Iron, Do Not Dry Clean, Wash Dark Colours Seperately, Iron On Reverse. Nur chemisch reinigen. 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Weißer Schlafanzug aus VeloursBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
42.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Mamas & Papas Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Soft Velour All in One and hat. With poplin collar, integrated scratch mitts and back popper fastening. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash, Do Not Bleach, Cool Tumble Dry, Cool Iron, Do Not Dry Clean, Wash Dark Colours Seperately. Nur chemisch reinigen. 90 % Baumwolle, 10 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Strampelhöschen, BlauBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
32.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Blue romper with bomber neckline. Popper fastening at front. 2 side pockets. Elasticated cuffs. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 90 % Baumwolle, 10 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Weißes 3-teiliges Jersey-Set mit Schlafanzug, Body und Mütze aus 100 % Baumwolle mit HasenmotivenBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
44 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Mamas & Papas Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. 3-piece set, including bunny print All-In-One, Long Sleeve Bodysuit with embroidery and Hat with Welcome to the World badge detail. Includes integrated scratch mitts. Concealed poppers fastening. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash, Do Not Bleach, Cool Tumble Dry, Cool Iron, Do Not Dry Clean, Wash Dark Colours Seperately. Nur chemisch reinigen. 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Kleid mit Organzaschleife, WeissBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
69 EUR
Get your little one dressed to impress with Mamas & Papas stunning collection of occasion wear. Crafted from luxury fabrics, our mini party outfits are designed to be both comfy and stylish. And because we know every special outfit needs those finishing touches, we've added plenty of delicate details and embellishments. Sleeveless white satin and organza party dress with bow. Satin body with organza overskirt. Beautiful bow detail on front. Fully lined. Button opening at back. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, Hauptmaterial: 100 % Polyester. Futter: 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Grey Rib and Pearl Knitted 100% Cotton Sleepsuit with HatBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
60 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Mamas & Papas Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Knitted All in One and Hat set. With Rib and pearl knit detail, cotton poplin collar and button fastening on back. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash, Do Not Bleach, Cool Iron, Do Not Dry Clean, Cool Tumble Dry. Nur chemisch reinigen. 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Cream Eichel Print JogginghoseBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
25.95 EUR
Mamas & Papas Explore the World Baby to Toddler collection features stylish and comfy elevated basics and day-to-day clothing that can be co-ordinated or worn as separates, for a wardrobe that's easy to wear and looks adorable. With attention to detail in every piece, to make it ultra-comfortable, wearable and easy to care for. Relaxed fit joggers in Falling Acorns print. With elasticated waistband and non functional drawcord. Ribbed cuffs. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately. 40 degree wash, Obermaterial: 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz: 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas Grau 100% Baumwolle Wal Print All-In-One-Set 3 PiecesBis zu 3 Monate (62 cm)
42.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. A curated collection of pieces that sit effortlessly together for easy day-to-day dressing, with attention to detail and considered features that make this clothing easy for parents to use and care for. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable easy clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Three piece set. Bodysuit in supersoft wide ribbed jersey with all-over whale print. With envelope neckline for easy dressing and popper fastening at crotch for easy changing. Matching leggings wit roll top waist band and grow-proof hems! the look is completed by a matching knot detail hat in supersoft jersey. A complete outfit! Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Grau 100% Baumwolle Wal Print All-In-One-Set 3 Pieces3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
42.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. A curated collection of pieces that sit effortlessly together for easy day-to-day dressing, with attention to detail and considered features that make this clothing easy for parents to use and care for. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable easy clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Three piece set. Bodysuit in supersoft wide ribbed jersey with all-over whale print. With envelope neckline for easy dressing and popper fastening at crotch for easy changing. Matching leggings wit roll top waist band and grow-proof hems! the look is completed by a matching knot detail hat in supersoft jersey. A complete outfit! Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas 2-teiliges Set mit Mütze mit Bärenohren und Fausthandschuhen, Grau3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
29.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. A curated collection of pieces that sit effortlessly together for easy day-to-day dressing, with attention to detail and considered features that make this clothing easy for parents to use and care for. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable easy clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Hat and mitts set in super soft oatmeal marl fabric. Bonnet-style hat with easy Velcro fastening and ear detail. Mitts have elasticated cuffs so are easy to get on and off and feature an embroidered bear face on each mitt, with cute ear detail. Full Washing Instructions: 40-degree wash, do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. Waschmaschinenfest Hauptmaterial: 100 % Baumwolle. Innenfutter: 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz: 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elastan.
Mamas & Papas Giraffe Strukturiertes 2 Pieces Outfit Braun SetBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
42.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. The long long-sleeved two-piece set makes for an easy and stylish outfit with a cute giraffe jacquard pattern. Long sleeves and integrated feet on bottoms keep baby snug, while elasticated waist and popper fastening allow for easier dressing. Full Washing Instructions: 40-degree wash, do not bleach, cool tumble dry, warm iron, do not dry clean, wash with similar colours, wash inside out, iron on reverse. Waschmaschinenfest Oberteil 82 % Baumwolle, 18 % Polyester. Hose 82% Baumwolle, 18% Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus KunstpelzNeugeborene
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus KunstpelzUp to 1 Month (56cm)
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
Jojo Maman Bébé Ballett Kinderwagen SchuheBis zu 6 Monate (50 - 68 cm)
38.95 EUR
Our adorable Ballet Pram Shoes are perfect for tiny twinkle toes! These little wonders are just right for your little dancer s first steps. With deep blue fabric and a sparkly silver band, they add just the right amount of pizzazz. Designed for comfort and style, these shoes are an essential addition to your little one's footwear collection. Lightweight and flexible. Sparkly silver band. Comfortable fit. Quick-drying and breathable. Slip-on design. SHOE: Upper: Textile, Lining: Leather, Sole: Leather and Other Materials. Nur abwischbar. Leder.