Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus Kunstpelz3 bis 6 Monate
69 EUR
Gehen Sie zur vollständigen Informationskarte, vergleichen Sie die Preise und entdecken Sie die Merkmale von Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus Kunstpelz3 bis 6 Monate, erhältlich zum Preis von 69 EUR; gehört zur Kategorie Kinderwagen & Zubehör; der Verkauf wird von verwaltet und die Produktion erfolgt durch Mamas & Papas.
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
EAN: 5057232035084
Versandkosten: 0 EUR
Verfügbarkeit: in stock
Lieferzeit: 4 Werktagen
Zustand: new
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Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus Kunstpelz6 bis 9 Monate
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus KunstpelzBis zu 3 Monate (50 - 62 cm)
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus Kunstpelz9 - 12 Monate (74 - 80 cm)
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
KIDIZ® Kinderwagen CITY Buggy Kinderbuggy klappbar Sportwagen Faltbar 360° 4-Zoll-Räder Inkl. Sonnen- und Regenverdeck zusammenklappbar 5-Punkt-Sicherheitsgurt ab 6 Monate
49.8 EUR
KIDIZ Kinderbuggy Classic mit gefederten, 360° schwenkbaren 4 Zoll EVA-Schaum-Rädern, Einhandfaltmechanismus, modernes und authentisches Design, inkl. Sonnen- und Regenverdeck, 5-Punkt-Sicherheitsgurt Für Ihre KIDIZ nur das Beste! Unser Buggy der MarkeKIDIZ ist für Sie und IhrKind eine wahreErleichterung. Denn im Vergleich zu herkömmlichenKombikinderwagen, die meistensgroß, sperrig und schwer zu schiebensind, ist unserJogger extrem kompakt, super wendig und bis zu 15kgbelastbar. Einfach und leicht mit nur einerHand am Griff auf- und zusammenfaltendank des Einhandfaltmechanismus und im Kofferraumverstauen, selbst wenn das Auto einenkleinen Kofferraum hat. Dennochbietet sich neben der komfortablenEigenschaftgenügendPlatz für Ihr Kind um langeSpaziergänge so gemütlich wie nur möglich gestalten zu können. Hierpasstnicht nur Ihr Kindrein, sondern auch jedesgeliebteKuscheltier. So kann einem Nickerchen bei einem langenSpaziergang auch nichts mehr im Wegestehen. Der Classic Kindersportwagen ist der idealeBegleiter für spontaneAusflüge in den Park, an das Meer oder für actionreiche Ausflüge unter freiemHimmel. Mit unserem Kinderwagen sind Sie bestensausgestattet, denn neben der einfachenLenkung und dem geringen Platzverbrauch hat unser Sportwagen noch zahlreiche weitereHighlights. So viele neue Eindrückedraußenmachen allerdings auch ganzschönschnellmüde. Zeit für ein kleinesNickerchen? Die gepolsterte Sitzfläche sorgt für eine angenehmweiche und bequemeFahrt. Das macht unseren Babywagen zum perfektenBegleiter für jedenTag.Die hochwertigenRäderermöglichen selbst im schwierigenGeländegrößereManöver und die Überquerung von Bordsteinen. Ihr Kind wird von alldenBewegungennichtsmitbekommen, denn unsere Vorderräder sind in der Aufhängunggefedert. Zusätzlich sind unsere 4-Zoll-Räder aus einem hoch flexiblen und elastischen EVA-Schaum hergestellt, somit droht Ihnen auch keineReifenpanne bei Ihrem Ausflug. Hiermit können Sie in die Natur egal ob Stock oder Stein und jedeUnebenheitmeistern. Die Vorderreifen sind extremwendig und lassen sich ebenfalls um 360° ganz einfach schwenken, jedochkönnendiese auf geradenStreckenfestgestellt werden um das Fahren auf unebener Fläche um einiges zu erleichtern. Ein herrlicherSommertagzeichnet sich durch vielSonne und warme Temperaturaus. Schützen Sie Ihr Kind mit dem großen und umklappbarem Verdeck vor starkerSonneneinstrahlung - diesesVerdeck dient zusätzlich als Regenverdeck für einen optimalen Schutz bei Regenwetter. Auf der Kopfhöhe befinden sich zudem seitlich luftdurchlässige Netze, dadurch bleiben Ihrem KindFliegen und Mücken im Gesichterspart. Für einen zusätzlichenStauraum sorgt die integrierteTasche, hier haben Sie alle Ihre wichtigenDinge für einen Spaziergang immer griffbereit. Für zusätzlicheWärme für Ihr Babyempfehlen wir den Babyfußsack der MarkeKIDIZ - hiermit ist frieren absolut ausgeschlossen! Alle Teile des Jogger-Buggys sind äußerst robust und lassen sich deshalb mit einem feuchtenTuch ganz einfach und...
Mamas & Papas Grau 100% Baumwolle Wal Print All-In-One-Set 3 Pieces3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
42.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. A curated collection of pieces that sit effortlessly together for easy day-to-day dressing, with attention to detail and considered features that make this clothing easy for parents to use and care for. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable easy clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Three piece set. Bodysuit in supersoft wide ribbed jersey with all-over whale print. With envelope neckline for easy dressing and popper fastening at crotch for easy changing. Matching leggings wit roll top waist band and grow-proof hems! the look is completed by a matching knot detail hat in supersoft jersey. A complete outfit! Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas 2-teiliges Set mit Mütze mit Bärenohren und Fausthandschuhen, Grau3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
29.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. A curated collection of pieces that sit effortlessly together for easy day-to-day dressing, with attention to detail and considered features that make this clothing easy for parents to use and care for. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable easy clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Hat and mitts set in super soft oatmeal marl fabric. Bonnet-style hat with easy Velcro fastening and ear detail. Mitts have elasticated cuffs so are easy to get on and off and feature an embroidered bear face on each mitt, with cute ear detail. Full Washing Instructions: 40-degree wash, do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. Waschmaschinenfest Hauptmaterial: 100 % Baumwolle. Innenfutter: 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz: 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elastan.
Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus KunstpelzNeugeborene
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Grau Kinderwagen aus KunstpelzUp to 1 Month (56cm)
69 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. A stunning piece that's far more special than your average pram suit! Designed from super luxe soft faux fur in a beautifully elegant shade of taupe, this pramsuit embodies classic luxury. With a zip fastening it's easy to get in and out of, and fully lined it's ultra comfy cosy and warm. A hood and integrated mitts keep your little one toasty at all times. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Polyester.
DazHom 2 in 1 Kinderwagen 360°-Drehbar Sitz Kompakter Mini Reversible Baby Buggy,Klein Baby Dreirad ab 6. Monat (bis 22 kg) für Freien,Stadt Grau
54.85 EUR
Beschreibung: Hinweis: Nicht faltbar. Dieser Kinderwagen besticht durch sein ansprechendes Design und seine vielfältigen Funktionen und eignet sich daher hervorragend für den Einsatz im Freien. Er ist überwiegend in Schwarz gehalten. Das weiche und bequeme Sitzmaterial harmoniert perfekt mit dem Gesamtbild. Die vier Räder an der Unterseite und die verstellbare Halterung in der Mitte sorgen für einen sicheren Stand. Die feststellbaren Hinterräder erhöhen die Sicherheit und Stabilität und können je nach Bedarf angepasst werden. Der Kinderwagen verfügt außerdem über Fußpedale vorne und hinten für ein einfaches Ein- und Aussteigen. Der Schiebegriff ist höhenverstellbar und passt sich so an unterschiedliche Körpergrößen an. Material: Edelstahl, PP und Leinen.
KIDIZ® Kinderwagen CITY Buggy Kinderbuggy klappbar Sportwagen Faltbar 360° 4-Zoll-Räder Inkl. Sonnen- und Regenverdeck zusammenklappbar 5-Punkt-Sicherheitsgurt ab 6 Monate
49.8 EUR
KIDIZ Kinderbuggy Classic mit gefederten, 360° schwenkbaren 4 Zoll EVA-Schaum-Rädern, Einhandfaltmechanismus, modernes und authentisches Design, inkl. Sonnen- und Regenverdeck, 5-Punkt-Sicherheitsgurt Für Ihre KIDIZ nur das Beste! Unser Buggy der MarkeKIDIZ ist für Sie und IhrKind eine wahreErleichterung. Denn im Vergleich zu herkömmlichenKombikinderwagen, die meistensgroß, sperrig und schwer zu schiebensind, ist unserJogger extrem kompakt, super wendig und bis zu 15kgbelastbar. Einfach und leicht mit nur einerHand am Griff auf- und zusammenfaltendank des Einhandfaltmechanismus und im Kofferraumverstauen, selbst wenn das Auto einenkleinen Kofferraum hat. Dennochbietet sich neben der komfortablenEigenschaftgenügendPlatz für Ihr Kind um langeSpaziergänge so gemütlich wie nur möglich gestalten zu können. Hierpasstnicht nur Ihr Kindrein, sondern auch jedesgeliebteKuscheltier. So kann einem Nickerchen bei einem langenSpaziergang auch nichts mehr im Wegestehen. Der Classic Kindersportwagen ist der idealeBegleiter für spontaneAusflüge in den Park, an das Meer oder für actionreiche Ausflüge unter freiemHimmel. Mit unserem Kinderwagen sind Sie bestensausgestattet, denn neben der einfachenLenkung und dem geringen Platzverbrauch hat unser Sportwagen noch zahlreiche weitereHighlights. So viele neue Eindrückedraußenmachen allerdings auch ganzschönschnellmüde. Zeit für ein kleinesNickerchen? Die gepolsterte Sitzfläche sorgt für eine angenehmweiche und bequemeFahrt. Das macht unseren Babywagen zum perfektenBegleiter für jedenTag.Die hochwertigenRäderermöglichen selbst im schwierigenGeländegrößereManöver und die Überquerung von Bordsteinen. Ihr Kind wird von alldenBewegungennichtsmitbekommen, denn unsere Vorderräder sind in der Aufhängunggefedert. Zusätzlich sind unsere 4-Zoll-Räder aus einem hoch flexiblen und elastischen EVA-Schaum hergestellt, somit droht Ihnen auch keineReifenpanne bei Ihrem Ausflug. Hiermit können Sie in die Natur egal ob Stock oder Stein und jedeUnebenheitmeistern. Die Vorderreifen sind extremwendig und lassen sich ebenfalls um 360° ganz einfach schwenken, jedochkönnendiese auf geradenStreckenfestgestellt werden um das Fahren auf unebener Fläche um einiges zu erleichtern. Ein herrlicherSommertagzeichnet sich durch vielSonne und warme Temperaturaus. Schützen Sie Ihr Kind mit dem großen und umklappbarem Verdeck vor starkerSonneneinstrahlung - diesesVerdeck dient zusätzlich als Regenverdeck für einen optimalen Schutz bei Regenwetter. Auf der Kopfhöhe befinden sich zudem seitlich luftdurchlässige Netze, dadurch bleiben Ihrem KindFliegen und Mücken im Gesichterspart. Für einen zusätzlichenStauraum sorgt die integrierteTasche, hier haben Sie alle Ihre wichtigenDinge für einen Spaziergang immer griffbereit. Für zusätzlicheWärme für Ihr Babyempfehlen wir den Babyfußsack der MarkeKIDIZ - hiermit ist frieren absolut ausgeschlossen! Alle Teile des Jogger-Buggys sind äußerst robust und lassen sich deshalb mit einem feuchtenTuch ganz einfach und...
Jojo Maman Bébé Ballett Kinderwagen SchuheBis zu 6 Monate (50 - 68 cm)
38.95 EUR
Our adorable Ballet Pram Shoes are perfect for tiny twinkle toes! These little wonders are just right for your little dancer s first steps. With deep blue fabric and a sparkly silver band, they add just the right amount of pizzazz. Designed for comfort and style, these shoes are an essential addition to your little one's footwear collection. Lightweight and flexible. Sparkly silver band. Comfortable fit. Quick-drying and breathable. Slip-on design. SHOE: Upper: Textile, Lining: Leather, Sole: Leather and Other Materials. Nur abwischbar. Leder.
Jojo Maman Bébé Ballett Kinderwagen Schuhe6 - 12 Monate (68 - 80 cm)
38.95 EUR
Our adorable Ballet Pram Shoes are perfect for tiny twinkle toes! These little wonders are just right for your little dancer s first steps. With deep blue fabric and a sparkly silver band, they add just the right amount of pizzazz. Designed for comfort and style, these shoes are an essential addition to your little one's footwear collection. Lightweight and flexible. Sparkly silver band. Comfortable fit. Quick-drying and breathable. Slip-on design. SHOE: Upper: Textile, Lining: Leather, Sole: Leather and Other Materials. Nur abwischbar. Leder.
Mamas & Papas - Set aus Latzhose und Body aus 100 % Crinkle-Baumwolle, Pink6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
49 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. 2-piece dungaree set with bodysuit. Bodysuit with frill collar and cuffs. Crinkled jersey dungaree with flower embroidery. Straps with concealed buttons. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas, Safari-Strampler mit Stickerei aus 100 % Baumwolle, Cream3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
39.95 EUR
From newborn to 2 years old, Mamas & Papas have got those comfy essentials covered. Made from beautifully soft jersey cotton that will be kind to baby's skin, their Basics collection is perfect for stocking up on wardrobe staples. And because they know just how many times you will be popping them in the washing machine, they've made sure these tough-wearing basics won't let you down. Whether you're cuddling up at home or getting all wrapped up for a walk, this all-in-one suit will keep baby cosy and warm. It's got 6 cute safari characters embroidered onto the front of the soft jersey fabric, some of which can be found in our Welcome to the World soft toy range. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, warm iron, do not dry clean, wash with similar colours, wash inside out, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Pink 100% Cotton T-Shirt and Embroidered Dress 2 Piece Set6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
60 EUR
Mamas & Papas teamed up with the iconic brand Laura Ashley, to create this exclusive collection of clothing. To create this collaborative range, they delved into Laura Ashley's illustrious archives to discover iconic prints that could be re-imagined. The result is a highly covetable collection of beautiful baby clothing and accessories full of impressive prints, premium fabric and exquisite detail. A real standout addition to their wardrobe and irreplaceable pieces that can be loved now, passed on and treasured by new generations. 2 piece t-shirt and dress. Cotton rib T-Shirt with gathered sleeve and elasticated frill cuff. Dress with square neckline, patch pockets with embroidered flowers and button opening down centre back. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash, Do Not Bleach, Cool Tumble Dry, Cool Iron, Do Not Dry Clean, Wash Dark Colours Seperately, Iron On Reverse. Nur chemisch reinigen. 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas - elegantes Hemd mit Grandad-Kragen aus 100 % Baumwolle, Weiß3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
29.95 EUR
Get your little one dressed to impress with this stunning collection of occasion wear from Mamas & Papas. Crafted from luxury fabrics, these mini party outfits are designed to be both comfy and stylish. And because we know every special outfit needs those finishing touches, we've added plenty of delicate details and embellishments. White shirt with Grandad collar and functional cuffs. Made from 100% lightweight Oxford cotton Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Braunes Kleid aus 100% Baumwolle mit Peter-Pan-Kragen und Floral Print3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
54 EUR
Mamas & Papas teamed up with the iconic brand Laura Ashley, to create this exclusive collection of clothing. To create this collaborative range, they delved into Laura Ashley's illustrious archives to discover iconic prints that could be re-imagined. The result is a highly covetable collection of beautiful baby clothing and accessories full of impressive prints, premium fabric and exquisite detail. A real standout addition to their wardrobe and irreplaceable pieces that can be loved now, passed on and treasured by new generations. Peter Pan collar dress with Laura Ashley autumn floral all-over print. Frill collar with embroidery detail. Elasticated cuffs. Buttons on centre front placket. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash, Do Not Bleach, Cool Tumble Dry, Cool Iron, Do Not Dry Clean, Wash Dark Colours Seperately, Iron On Reverse. Nur chemisch reinigen. 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Braunes Kleid aus 100% Baumwolle mit Peter-Pan-Kragen und Floral Print6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
54 EUR
Mamas & Papas teamed up with the iconic brand Laura Ashley, to create this exclusive collection of clothing. To create this collaborative range, they delved into Laura Ashley's illustrious archives to discover iconic prints that could be re-imagined. The result is a highly covetable collection of beautiful baby clothing and accessories full of impressive prints, premium fabric and exquisite detail. A real standout addition to their wardrobe and irreplaceable pieces that can be loved now, passed on and treasured by new generations. Peter Pan collar dress with Laura Ashley autumn floral all-over print. Frill collar with embroidery detail. Elasticated cuffs. Buttons on centre front placket. Full Washing Instructions: 40 Degree Wash, Do Not Bleach, Cool Tumble Dry, Cool Iron, Do Not Dry Clean, Wash Dark Colours Seperately, Iron On Reverse. Nur chemisch reinigen. 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Kleid mit Organzaschleife, Weiss3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
69 EUR
Get your little one dressed to impress with Mamas & Papas stunning collection of occasion wear. Crafted from luxury fabrics, our mini party outfits are designed to be both comfy and stylish. And because we know every special outfit needs those finishing touches, we've added plenty of delicate details and embellishments. Sleeveless white satin and organza party dress with bow. Satin body with organza overskirt. Beautiful bow detail on front. Fully lined. Button opening at back. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, Hauptmaterial: 100 % Polyester. Futter: 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Pink Set aus geblümter Kordellatzhose und Body6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
44 EUR
Mamas & Papas Explore the World Baby to Toddler collection features stylish and comfy elevated basics and day-to-day clothing that can be co-ordinated or worn as separates, for a wardrobe that's easy to wear and looks adorable. With attention to detail in every piece, to make it ultra-comfortable, wearable and easy to care for. 2-piece rib bodysuit and dungaree set. Ribbed jersey bodysuit with elasticated frill cuffs and popper gusset fastening. Cord dungarees with fixed bow detailing at shoulder, mock wood buttons and concealed popper gusset fastening Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 94 % Baumwolle, 6 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas Kurzärmeliger, strukturierter Sonnenschutzanzug mit Zitronenmuster6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
41.95 EUR
The white Blaze polo T-Shirt takes a casual staple and refines it with a basket-weave design for modern interest. It s fitted with a press-stud polo neckline and a point collar for a seamless placement into his occasionwear collection. A 100% cotton composition makes it a lightweight option, ideal for summertime pairings with chino shorts or jeans.100% cotton Basket-weave design.Press-stud polo neckline.Point collar.Short sleeves.Reiss partners with Better Cotton to improve cotton farming globally.Better Cotton is sourced via a system of Mass Balance and is not physically traceable to end products.The model is wearing a size 5-6 yrsMeasurements of model: 3ft8 / 117cm. Waschmaschinenfest Hauptmaterial: 96 % Nylon, 4 % Elastan. Innenfutter: 100 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Kurzärmeliger, strukturierter Sonnenschutzanzug mit Zitronenmuster3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
41.95 EUR
The white Blaze polo T-Shirt takes a casual staple and refines it with a basket-weave design for modern interest. It s fitted with a press-stud polo neckline and a point collar for a seamless placement into his occasionwear collection. A 100% cotton composition makes it a lightweight option, ideal for summertime pairings with chino shorts or jeans.100% cotton Basket-weave design.Press-stud polo neckline.Point collar.Short sleeves.Reiss partners with Better Cotton to improve cotton farming globally.Better Cotton is sourced via a system of Mass Balance and is not physically traceable to end products.The model is wearing a size 5-6 yrsMeasurements of model: 3ft8 / 117cm. Waschmaschinenfest Hauptmaterial: 96 % Nylon, 4 % Elastan. Innenfutter: 100 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Little Brother/Sister 100% Cotton Sleepsuit6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
27.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. A curated collection of pieces that sit effortlessly together for easy day-to-day dressing, with attention to detail and considered features that make this clothing easy for parents to use and care for. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable easy clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. Elevating the basic all-in-one with a wrap fit and beautifully embroidered little sister detail. With integrated feet for easy warmth and concealed poppers for easy dressing. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours seperately, wash & iron inside out. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Floral Herz Print Braun Jogginghose3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
25.95 EUR
Mamas & Papas Explore the World Baby to Toddler collection features stylish and comfy elevated basics and day-to-day clothing that can be co-ordinated or worn as separates, for a wardrobe that's easy to wear and looks adorable. With attention to detail in every piece, to make it ultra-comfortable, wearable and easy to care for. Floral Heart Print Joggers with crochet lace trim pockets. Paper bag elastic waistband. Ribbed cuffs. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, Obermaterial: 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz: 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas 100 % Baumwolle Body „Welcome To The World My First Outfit", 3-teilig, Weiß3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
42.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. A curated collection of pieces that sit effortlessly together for easy day-to-day dressing, with attention to detail and considered features that make this clothing easy for parents to use and care for. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable easy clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. This Three piece outfit includes long-sleeved bodysuit with envelope neckline for easy dressing, Hello World embroidery detail and popper crotch for easy changing. Soft matching leggings with all over whale and fish print, integrated feet for warmth and comfort and grow-proof roll top waist band with plenty of room to grow! Matching all over whale and fish print beanie hat to complete the look! Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Gerippter Schlafanzug mit Reißverschluss, Weiß6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
29.95 EUR
Bring some much-needed joy to those rainy days with our Puffin Print Cosy Waterproof Jacket. The bright and fun puffin print stands on a brilliant cobalt blue backdrop, making it fun for little ones to wear, and it's packed with practical features to help keep them warm and dry.All-over puffin print.Fleece lined for cosiness.Protects against wind and rain.Breathable bonded fabric.Pockets to front.Hood and Velcro storm flap.Zip closure.Machine wash at 30°.Use delicate setting.Do not tumble dry.Do not iron.Do not dry-clean.Please note that the breathability can occasionally mean a small, temporary distortion in the surface of the jacket when drying, returning to its original condition once dry. Waschmaschinenfest 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas Rib Haferflocken Zip Natürlicher Schlafanzug3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
29.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. A curated collection of pieces that sit effortlessly together for easy day-to-day dressing, with attention to detail and considered features that make this clothing easy for parents to use and care for. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable easy clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. This super-soft organic cotton all-in-one has snuggly long sleeves for extra-cosy cuddles. And thanks to the zip down the front, getting it on and off your little one will be a breeze. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas - elegantes Hemd mit Grandad-Kragen aus 100 % Baumwolle, Weiß6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
29.95 EUR
Get your little one dressed to impress with this stunning collection of occasion wear from Mamas & Papas. Crafted from luxury fabrics, these mini party outfits are designed to be both comfy and stylish. And because we know every special outfit needs those finishing touches, we've added plenty of delicate details and embellishments. White shirt with Grandad collar and functional cuffs. Made from 100% lightweight Oxford cotton Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.
Mamas & Papas Braunes Sweatshirt mit floralem Herz-Print3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
29.95 EUR
Mamas & Papas Explore the World Baby to Toddler collection features stylish and comfy elevated basics and day-to-day clothing that can be co-ordinated or worn as separates, for a wardrobe that's easy to wear and looks adorable. With attention to detail in every piece, to make it ultra-comfortable, wearable and easy to care for. Floral Heart Print sweatshirt. Back neck popper fastening. Balloon shaped sleeves with elasticated frill cuffs. Ribbed hem Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, Obermaterial: 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz: 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas Cream Sweatshirt mit Eichel Print3 - 6 Monate (62 - 68 cm)
29.95 EUR
Mamas & Papas Explore the World Baby to Toddler collection features stylish and comfy elevated basics and day-to-day clothing that can be co-ordinated or worn as separates, for a wardrobe that's easy to wear and looks adorable. With attention to detail in every piece, to make it ultra-comfortable, wearable and easy to care for. 100% cotton sweatshirt with falling acorns print. Relaxed fit with ribbed cuff and hem. Concealed popper at back neck. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately. 40 degree wash, Obermaterial: 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz: 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas Pink Aquarell Blumen Bodysuit und Jogginghose Set6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
38.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. 2-piece set in water colour floral print. Made from 100% cotton jersey. Long sleeves with frill detail. Matching sweatpants with elasticated waist and ribbed cuffs. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately. 40 degree wash, Obermaterial: 100 % Baumwolle. Besatz: 95 % Baumwolle, 5 % Elasthan.
Mamas & Papas Schlafanzug aus Velours mit Mütze und Wolken6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
42.95 EUR
Reiss Atelier is an effortlessly chic collection of timeless wardrobe staples and occasion pieces that can be worn - and loved - for many years.The sumptuous wool blend of the Helena coat is enhanced with cashmere yarns for a superior hand feel. It s engineered with a blind seam construction, allowing the garment to be ultra-comfortable without needing an internal lining. Oversized notch lapels and a belted waist are added for a dramatic silhouette.Wool-cashmere blend.Blindseam construction.Oversized notch lapels.Long sleeves.Branded buttoned cuffs.Self-tie waist belt.Side-slip pockets.Mid-length.Gold herringbone hanging chain.Loose fit.The model is wearing a size 8.Measurements of model: 5ft 9.5'' / 176.5cm. Waschmaschinenfest 78 % Baumwolle, 22 % Polyester.
Mamas & Papas Body aus 100 % Baumwolle mit Storch in Weiß im 5er-Pack6 - 9 Monate (68 - 74 cm)
32.95 EUR
The perfect coming home collection, this beautiful range of timeless quality newborn clothing is designed to nurture your little one. Welcome to the World brings together gentle materials with relaxed fits, in comfortable clothing for baby during their first weeks in the world. 6-pack short-sleeved bodysuits. 2 stork print, 2 spotty and 1 grey with stork symbol. Popper fastening at crotch. Full Washing Instructions: do not bleach, cool tumble dry, cool iron, do not dry clean, wash dark colours separately, iron on reverse. 40 degree wash, 100 % Baumwolle.