Joseph Joseph 100% Cotton Flexa Ironing Board 124cm CoverEinheitsgröße

43 EUR Konsultieren Sie die vollständige Karte mit detaillierten Informationen, vergleichen Sie die Preise und finden Sie die Merkmale von Joseph Joseph 100% Cotton Flexa Ironing Board 124cm CoverEinheitsgröße, zum Preis von 43 EUR; gehört zur Kategorie Reinigungs- und Trockungszubehör; der Verkäufer ist und der Hersteller ist Joseph Joseph.

Replacement ironing board covers can be poor quality, fiddly to attach and often don t fit well, making ironing more difficult. Flexa , however, features an innovative StretchMesh nose that fits quickly and easily over the tip of any board: an elasticated strap for tightening across the centre: and a tensioning cord with an easy-tie toggle for a perfect fit. The top layer is made from durable ripstop cotton, that s resistant to tearing or ripping, with a soft foam underlay for super-smooth ironing. With its contemporary printed design it ll bring a new lease of life to your board and make ironing a pleasure again. Suitable for boards L124 cm (48.8 inches) x W37 - 45 cm (14.5 - 17.7 inches). For cleaning instructions, see care label. Mit einem Fusselroller reinigen. 100 % Baumwolle.

EAN: 5028420005516
Versandkosten: 0 EUR
Verfügbarkeit: in stock
Lieferzeit: 4 Werktagen
Zustand: new

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Tog 24 Womens Zuzanna Short Sleeve 100% Cotton Ultramarine Shirt44 Tog 24 Womens Zuzanna Short Sleeve 100% Cotton Ultramarine Shirt44 44 EUR The Zuzanna vest is your go-to summer essential, perfect for sunny getaways or warm-weather days at home. Made from supersoft, lightweight seersucker cotton, it's designed to keep you cool and looking great, no ironing required - just pack it in your suitcade and you're set. The flattering V-neckline with pealised buttons and subtle bust darts add a touch of polish and structure, while the loose, boxy silhouette makes it super easy to style. Pair it with high-waisted shorts for a nice day out, or tuck it into trousers for a more put-together look. Side seam vents give it an extra dose of comfort, making it the ideal choice for hot days when you want to feel comfortable and look casually chic. Breathable and ready for all your summer plans, the Zuzanna vest is as practical as it is pretty. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Tog 24 Womens Zuzanna Short Sleeve 100% Cotton Ultramarine Shirt46 Tog 24 Womens Zuzanna Short Sleeve 100% Cotton Ultramarine Shirt46 44 EUR The Zuzanna vest is your go-to summer essential, perfect for sunny getaways or warm-weather days at home. Made from supersoft, lightweight seersucker cotton, it's designed to keep you cool and looking great, no ironing required - just pack it in your suitcade and you're set. The flattering V-neckline with pealised buttons and subtle bust darts add a touch of polish and structure, while the loose, boxy silhouette makes it super easy to style. Pair it with high-waisted shorts for a nice day out, or tuck it into trousers for a more put-together look. Side seam vents give it an extra dose of comfort, making it the ideal choice for hot days when you want to feel comfortable and look casually chic. Breathable and ready for all your summer plans, the Zuzanna vest is as practical as it is pretty. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Tog 24 Womens Zuzanna Short Sleeve 100% Cotton Ultramarine Shirt38 Tog 24 Womens Zuzanna Short Sleeve 100% Cotton Ultramarine Shirt38 44 EUR The Zuzanna vest is your go-to summer essential, perfect for sunny getaways or warm-weather days at home. Made from supersoft, lightweight seersucker cotton, it's designed to keep you cool and looking great, no ironing required - just pack it in your suitcade and you're set. The flattering V-neckline with pealised buttons and subtle bust darts add a touch of polish and structure, while the loose, boxy silhouette makes it super easy to style. Pair it with high-waisted shorts for a nice day out, or tuck it into trousers for a more put-together look. Side seam vents give it an extra dose of comfort, making it the ideal choice for hot days when you want to feel comfortable and look casually chic. Breathable and ready for all your summer plans, the Zuzanna vest is as practical as it is pretty. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Tog 24 Womens Zuzanna Short Sleeve 100% Cotton Ultramarine Shirt36 Tog 24 Womens Zuzanna Short Sleeve 100% Cotton Ultramarine Shirt36 44 EUR The Zuzanna vest is your go-to summer essential, perfect for sunny getaways or warm-weather days at home. Made from supersoft, lightweight seersucker cotton, it's designed to keep you cool and looking great, no ironing required - just pack it in your suitcade and you're set. The flattering V-neckline with pealised buttons and subtle bust darts add a touch of polish and structure, while the loose, boxy silhouette makes it super easy to style. Pair it with high-waisted shorts for a nice day out, or tuck it into trousers for a more put-together look. Side seam vents give it an extra dose of comfort, making it the ideal choice for hot days when you want to feel comfortable and look casually chic. Breathable and ready for all your summer plans, the Zuzanna vest is as practical as it is pretty. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
The Savile Row Company Blue 100% Cotton Classic Fit Non-Iron Shirt48cm R (UK 19 R) The Savile Row Company Blue 100% Cotton Classic Fit Non-Iron Shirt48cm R (UK 19 R) 92 EUR Effortlessly refined, this men's light blue non-iron shirt features a special construction that provides natural stretch without elastane. Made from 100% non-iron cotton in a luxurious Bahama dobby weave, it maintains a crisp, smooth finish all day-no ironing required. The generously proportioned classic fit provides exceptional comfort while delivering a sharp, polished look, while a curl-resistant Windsor collar ensures a pristine appearance, whether styled with or without a tie. Featuring pucker-free French-taped armhole seams for a flawless, tailored finish, along with a split yoke and long tails to keep the formal shirt neatly in place. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Character Mandalorian Short 100% Cotton Pyjamas6 - 7 Jahre (116 - 122 cm) Character Mandalorian Short 100% Cotton Pyjamas6 - 7 Jahre (116 - 122 cm) 33.95 EUR Don t let your bounty hunter board the Razor Crest for their next intergalactic mission without packing these awesome Mandalorian jammies! This short pyjama set is grey and showcases a graphic print of the Mandalorian beneath his name, paired with matching shorts that feature an all-over motif of the Star Wars and Bounty Hunter logos and have a comfy elastic waistband. Perfect for warmer nights, these pyjamas are a must-have for fans of Star Wars and The Mandalorian! Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Character Mandalorian Short 100% Cotton Pyjamas10 - 11 Jahre (140 - 146 cm) Character Mandalorian Short 100% Cotton Pyjamas10 - 11 Jahre (140 - 146 cm) 33.95 EUR Don t let your bounty hunter board the Razor Crest for their next intergalactic mission without packing these awesome Mandalorian jammies! This short pyjama set is grey and showcases a graphic print of the Mandalorian beneath his name, paired with matching shorts that feature an all-over motif of the Star Wars and Bounty Hunter logos and have a comfy elastic waistband. Perfect for warmer nights, these pyjamas are a must-have for fans of Star Wars and The Mandalorian! Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers8086 cm Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers8086 cm 35.95 EUR Crafted from super soft blue cord in a relaxed silhouette, these trousers are as comfy as they are cool. Featuring multiple pockets and an elasticated waistband for fuss-free dressing, they're perfect for little adventurers. They'll be the coolest kid in the playground! Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers6874 cm Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers6874 cm 35.95 EUR Crafted from super soft blue cord in a relaxed silhouette, these trousers are as comfy as they are cool. Featuring multiple pockets and an elasticated waistband for fuss-free dressing, they're perfect for little adventurers. They'll be the coolest kid in the playground! Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers7480 cm Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers7480 cm 35.95 EUR Crafted from super soft blue cord in a relaxed silhouette, these trousers are as comfy as they are cool. Featuring multiple pockets and an elasticated waistband for fuss-free dressing, they're perfect for little adventurers. They'll be the coolest kid in the playground! Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers6268 cm Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers6268 cm 35.95 EUR Crafted from super soft blue cord in a relaxed silhouette, these trousers are as comfy as they are cool. Featuring multiple pockets and an elasticated waistband for fuss-free dressing, they're perfect for little adventurers. They'll be the coolest kid in the playground! Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers9298 cm Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers9298 cm 35.95 EUR Crafted from super soft blue cord in a relaxed silhouette, these trousers are as comfy as they are cool. Featuring multiple pockets and an elasticated waistband for fuss-free dressing, they're perfect for little adventurers. They'll be the coolest kid in the playground! Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers8692 cm Angel & Rocket Joseph Cord Skater 100% Cotton Trousers8692 cm 35.95 EUR Crafted from super soft blue cord in a relaxed silhouette, these trousers are as comfy as they are cool. Featuring multiple pockets and an elasticated waistband for fuss-free dressing, they're perfect for little adventurers. They'll be the coolest kid in the playground! Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
The Savile Row Company Blue 100% Cotton Classic Fit Non-Iron Shirt43cm R (UK 17 R) The Savile Row Company Blue 100% Cotton Classic Fit Non-Iron Shirt43cm R (UK 17 R) 92 EUR Effortlessly refined, this men's light blue non-iron shirt features a special construction that provides natural stretch without elastane. Made from 100% non-iron cotton in a luxurious Bahama dobby weave, it maintains a crisp, smooth finish all day-no ironing required. The generously proportioned classic fit provides exceptional comfort while delivering a sharp, polished look, while a curl-resistant Windsor collar ensures a pristine appearance, whether styled with or without a tie. Featuring pucker-free French-taped armhole seams for a flawless, tailored finish, along with a split yoke and long tails to keep the formal shirt neatly in place. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Joseph Joseph Glide Plus BügelbrettEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Glide Plus BügelbrettEinheitsgröße 230 EUR Conventional ironing boards are notorioulsy cumbersome household items. When removing from cupboards, their legs and feet can easily snag on door frames or other items and they can be awkward and noisy to set up. Glide Plus is a revolutionary, full-size ironing board with a unique stand design that makes it more compact when stored than a conventional ironing board. When folded, the innovative leg mechansim means both sets of feet nest neatly together at one end of the board, making it less like
Joseph Joseph Glide Compact Plus BügelbrettEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Glide Compact Plus BügelbrettEinheitsgröße 168 EUR Glide Compact Plus is a revolutionary ironing board with a unique stand design that makes it more compact when stored than a conventional one. When folded, both sets of feet nest neatly together at one end of the board, making it less likely to snag when removing from storage. A large handle on the back makes carrying easy and this also doubles as a secure hanging point when used with the specially designed bracket (included), making it easy to store on the back of a door or inside a wardrobe or cupboard. With Glide Compact Plus, set-up is smoother too. Simply grip the handle, press the release lever on the underside and swing the tip of the board up to horizontal. The height can be adjusted to six different positions using the release lever, from 81 cm (32 inches) up to a maximum of 96 cm (38 inches). Glide Compact Plus comes with an advanced, multi-layer cover with DripShield™ Technology that s been designed to cope with large volumes of ironing or for use with steam generator irons. Firstly, it has a 100% cotton top-layer for super-smooth ironing then, beneath that, a 3D spacer mesh, which allows steam to flow freely across the board making ironing quicker and reducing damp spots. Next, a highly-absorbant padded felt layer spreads moisture rapidly whilst a waterproof but breathable base layer below prevents drips and allows excess moisture to wick away. With it s cord toggle, the cover is quick and easy to change and replacement covers are also available. Finally, it comes with a removable, silicone iron mat that can be placed anywhere on the board s surface or, if you need more ironing room, on an adjacent table or worktop. After use, the mat can be folded in half and stored in its holder on the back side of the board. Board size 110 x 33 cm (43.3 x 13 inches). Closed (incl. legs) H131 x W42 x D10 cm (H51.5 x W16.5 x D4 inches). Frame guaranteed for 3 years against manufacturing defects. Nur Handwäsche. 50% Kohlenstoffstahl, 50% Baumwolle.
The Savile Row Company Blue 100% Cotton Classic Fit Non-Iron Shirt51cm R (UK 20 R) The Savile Row Company Blue 100% Cotton Classic Fit Non-Iron Shirt51cm R (UK 20 R) 92 EUR Effortlessly refined, this men's light blue non-iron shirt features a special construction that provides natural stretch without elastane. Made from 100% non-iron cotton in a luxurious Bahama dobby weave, it maintains a crisp, smooth finish all day-no ironing required. The generously proportioned classic fit provides exceptional comfort while delivering a sharp, polished look, while a curl-resistant Windsor collar ensures a pristine appearance, whether styled with or without a tie. Featuring pucker-free French-taped armhole seams for a flawless, tailored finish, along with a split yoke and long tails to keep the formal shirt neatly in place. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
The Savile Row Company Blue 100% Cotton Classic Fit Non-Iron Shirt51cm R (UK 20 R) The Savile Row Company Blue 100% Cotton Classic Fit Non-Iron Shirt51cm R (UK 20 R) 92 EUR Effortlessly refined, this men's light blue non-iron shirt features a special construction that provides natural stretch without elastane. Made from 100% non-iron cotton in a luxurious Bahama dobby weave, it maintains a crisp, smooth finish all day-no ironing required. The generously proportioned classic fit provides exceptional comfort while delivering a sharp, polished look, while a curl-resistant Windsor collar ensures a pristine appearance, whether styled with or without a tie. Featuring pucker-free French-taped armhole seams for a flawless, tailored finish, along with a split yoke and long tails to keep the formal shirt neatly in place. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
The Savile Row Company Blue 100% Cotton Classic Fit Non-Iron Shirt51cm R (UK 20 R) The Savile Row Company Blue 100% Cotton Classic Fit Non-Iron Shirt51cm R (UK 20 R) 92 EUR Effortlessly refined, this men's light blue non-iron shirt features a special construction that provides natural stretch without elastane. Made from 100% non-iron cotton in a luxurious Bahama dobby weave, it maintains a crisp, smooth finish all day-no ironing required. The generously proportioned classic fit provides exceptional comfort while delivering a sharp, polished look, while a curl-resistant Windsor collar ensures a pristine appearance, whether styled with or without a tie. Featuring pucker-free French-taped armhole seams for a flawless, tailored finish, along with a split yoke and long tails to keep the formal shirt neatly in place. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Joseph Joseph Pocket Plus Faltbares Bügelbrett für TischeEinheitsgröße Joseph Joseph Pocket Plus Faltbares Bügelbrett für TischeEinheitsgröße 153 EUR Compact ironing boards are a great option if you have limited storage space or just want to quickly iron one or two items. But this condensed board takes ironing convenience to whole new level with its innovative design. For a start, it folds neatly in half and comes with its own hanging hook that can be mounted onto a wall or door, making it really compact and easy to store. It also features a special compartment for storing your iron, which saves valuable space elsewhere and keeps everything y