Catherine Lansfield Set of 2 100% Cotton Anti Bacterial Bath Sheet TowelsDuschtuch

35.95 EUR Untersuchen Sie die detaillierte Karte mit umfassenden Informationen, vergleichen Sie die Preise und finden Sie die Merkmale von Catherine Lansfield Set of 2 100% Cotton Anti Bacterial Bath Sheet TowelsDuschtuch, zum Verkaufspreis von 35.95 EUR; gehört zur Kategorie Andere Gesundheits- und Schönheitsartikel; das Produkt wird von verkauft und von Catherine Lansfield hergestellt.

Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. An every day essential, this quick dry cotton towel is the perfect lightweight solution for everyday use. Whether it be an active gym workout or to dry off after a relaxing bath or shower. Crafted from cotton for a soft and durable towel, perfect for everyday use. Pure Cotton: The natural fibres of cotton create a fabric that is smooth and comfortable to touch. Responsible: Crafted from a cotton. Absorbent: Perfect for use after a gym session or as an household towel. Mid Weight: The 400gsm weight for everyday absorbency. Soft and Comfortable: Feeling gentle on the skin for a relaxed soak. Bath Sheet Pair-90x140 cm. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.

EAN: 5057681107073
Versandkosten: 4.95 EUR
Verfügbarkeit: in stock
Lieferzeit: 4 Werktagen
Zustand: new

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Catherine Lansfield Brushed 100% Cotton Streifen Bettbezug SetDoppelt Catherine Lansfield Brushed 100% Cotton Streifen Bettbezug SetDoppelt 46 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Transform your bed into a stylish and cosy haven with this reversible brushed bedlinen. This bedding set features a contrasting stripe in natural and green, adding a touch of sophistication. Created with soft and warm brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep you comfortable all night.. Wash Before Use. Machine Wash at 40 Degrees. Air or Line Dry Only. Made to quality and human-ecological safety standards, in accordance with MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX®. Better Cotton- By choosing our cotton product, you're supporting Catherine Lansfield's investment in Better Cotton's mission. Better Cotton is sourced via a chain of custody model called mass balance, this means that this product may not contain Better Cotton, however Better Cotton Farmers benefit from the demand for Better Cotton in equivalent volumes to those used. Learn more at // Single Duvet Set- 135x200cm + 1 50x75cm Pillowcase.Double Duvet Set- 200x200cm + 2 50x75cm Pillowcases.King Duvet Set- 220x230cm + 2 50x75cm Pillowcases. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
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Catherine Lansfield Brushed 100% Cotton Streifen Bettbezug SetEinzeln Catherine Lansfield Brushed 100% Cotton Streifen Bettbezug SetEinzeln 35.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Transform your bed into a stylish and cosy haven with this reversible brushed bedlinen. This bedding set features a contrasting stripe in natural and green, adding a touch of sophistication. Created with soft and warm brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep you comfortable all night.. Wash Before Use. Machine Wash at 40 Degrees. Air or Line Dry Only. Made to quality and human-ecological safety standards, in accordance with MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX®. Better Cotton- By choosing our cotton product, you're supporting Catherine Lansfield's investment in Better Cotton's mission. Better Cotton is sourced via a chain of custody model called mass balance, this means that this product may not contain Better Cotton, however Better Cotton Farmers benefit from the demand for Better Cotton in equivalent volumes to those used. Learn more at // Single Duvet Set- 135x200cm + 1 50x75cm Pillowcase.Double Duvet Set- 200x200cm + 2 50x75cm Pillowcases.King Duvet Set- 220x230cm + 2 50x75cm Pillowcases. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
Catherine Lansfield Brushed 100% Cotton Streifen Bettbezug SetKing Catherine Lansfield Brushed 100% Cotton Streifen Bettbezug SetKing 54 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Transform your bed into a stylish and cosy haven with this reversible brushed bedlinen. This bedding set features a contrasting stripe in natural and green, adding a touch of sophistication. Created with soft and warm brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep you comfortable all night.. Wash Before Use. Machine Wash at 40 Degrees. Air or Line Dry Only. Made to quality and human-ecological safety standards, in accordance with MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX®. Better Cotton- By choosing our cotton product, you're supporting Catherine Lansfield's investment in Better Cotton's mission. Better Cotton is sourced via a chain of custody model called mass balance, this means that this product may not contain Better Cotton, however Better Cotton Farmers benefit from the demand for Better Cotton in equivalent volumes to those used. Learn more at // Single Duvet Set- 135x200cm + 1 50x75cm Pillowcase.Double Duvet Set- 200x200cm + 2 50x75cm Pillowcases.King Duvet Set- 220x230cm + 2 50x75cm Pillowcases. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
Catherine Lansfield Brushed 100% Cotton Football Stars Duvet Cover SetKleinkind Catherine Lansfield Brushed 100% Cotton Football Stars Duvet Cover SetKleinkind 27.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Kick off bedtime adventures with our cool brushed cotton football and stars design! It's a goal-scoring, star-shining, bedtime sensation in classic grey and white. Fully reversible, so your little footy star can switch up their winning look anytime they like. Crafted with soft and cosy brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep your little one warm and comfortable throughout the night. Brushed Cotton: Soft flannelette offering a cosy and warm feel. Pure Cotton: The natural fibres create a fabric that is smooth and comfortable to touch. Fully Reversible: For two stylish looks in one. Button Fastening: To keep your duvet securely in place. Envelope Closure: Providing a secure and snug fit for your pillow. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
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Catherine Lansfield, wendbares Bettbezug-Set aus 100 % gebürsteter Baumwolle mit HerzenEinzeln Catherine Lansfield, wendbares Bettbezug-Set aus 100 % gebürsteter Baumwolle mit HerzenEinzeln 35.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Fall in love with bedtime. This cute brushed cotton hearts design is a sweet symphony of pink and white, sprinkled with love and dreams. Fully reversible, so you can switch up the sweetness whenever you like. Crafted with soft and cosy brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep your little one warm and comfortable throughout the night. Brushed Cotton: Soft flannelette offering a cosy and warm feel. Pure Cotton: The natural fibres create a fabric that is smooth and comfortable to touch. Fully Reversible: For two stylish looks in one. Button Fastening: To keep your duvet securely in place. Envelope Closure: Providing a secure and snug fit for your pillow. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
Catherine Lansfield, wendbares Bettbezug-Set aus 100 % gebürsteter Baumwolle mit HerzenKleinkind Catherine Lansfield, wendbares Bettbezug-Set aus 100 % gebürsteter Baumwolle mit HerzenKleinkind 27.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Fall in love with bedtime. This cute brushed cotton hearts design is a sweet symphony of pink and white, sprinkled with love and dreams. Fully reversible, so you can switch up the sweetness whenever you like. Crafted with soft and cosy brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep your little one warm and comfortable throughout the night. Brushed Cotton: Soft flannelette offering a cosy and warm feel. Pure Cotton: The natural fibres create a fabric that is smooth and comfortable to touch. Fully Reversible: For two stylish looks in one. Button Fastening: To keep your duvet securely in place. Envelope Closure: Providing a secure and snug fit for your pillow. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
Catherine Lansfield - Bettbezug-Set mit geometrischem Norwegermuster aus 100% gebürsteter BaumwolleKing Catherine Lansfield - Bettbezug-Set mit geometrischem Norwegermuster aus 100% gebürsteter BaumwolleKing 54 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Transform your bedroom into a serene retreat with this cosy Fairisle pattern bedding set. Inspired by the traditional knitting technique, this set features a charming pattern with a modern twist. The subtle hues of red, cream, and pink are interwoven with detailed geometric shapes and stripes, creating a cosy yet sophisticated look in any bedroom. Fully reversible with a co-ordinating scandi style pattern offering two looks in one. Created from a soft and cosy brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the night. Brushed Cotton: Soft flannelette offering a cosy and warm feel. Fully Reversible: For two stylish looks in one. Button Fastening: To keep your duvet securely in place. Envelope Closure: Providing a secure and snug fit for your pillow. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
Catherine Lansfield Bettbezug-Set aus 100 % gebürsteter Baumwolle mit Schneepinguin-MotivDoppelt Catherine Lansfield Bettbezug-Set aus 100 % gebürsteter Baumwolle mit Schneepinguin-MotivDoppelt 46 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Experience the joy of winter with these adorable penguin friends frolicking on a snowy white base. Fully reversible with a charming mini tree pattern on a complementary green backdrop. Crafted with soft and cosy brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the night. Brushed Cotton: Soft flannelette offering a cosy and warm feel. Fully Reversible: For two stylish looks in one. Button Fastening: To keep your duvet securely in place. Envelope Closure: Providing a secure and snug fit for your pillow. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
Catherine Lansfield Bettbezug-Set aus 100 % gebürsteter Baumwolle mit Schneepinguin-MotivKing Catherine Lansfield Bettbezug-Set aus 100 % gebürsteter Baumwolle mit Schneepinguin-MotivKing 54 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Experience the joy of winter with these adorable penguin friends frolicking on a snowy white base. Fully reversible with a charming mini tree pattern on a complementary green backdrop. Crafted with soft and cosy brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the night. Brushed Cotton: Soft flannelette offering a cosy and warm feel. Fully Reversible: For two stylish looks in one. Button Fastening: To keep your duvet securely in place. Envelope Closure: Providing a secure and snug fit for your pillow. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
Catherine Lansfield - Bettbezug-Set mit geometrischem Norwegermuster aus 100% gebürsteter BaumwolleEinzeln Catherine Lansfield - Bettbezug-Set mit geometrischem Norwegermuster aus 100% gebürsteter BaumwolleEinzeln 35.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Transform your bedroom into a serene retreat with this cosy Fairisle pattern bedding set. Inspired by the traditional knitting technique, this set features a charming pattern with a modern twist. The subtle hues of red, cream, and pink are interwoven with detailed geometric shapes and stripes, creating a cosy yet sophisticated look in any bedroom. Fully reversible with a co-ordinating scandi style pattern offering two looks in one. Created from a soft and cosy brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the night. Brushed Cotton: Soft flannelette offering a cosy and warm feel. Fully Reversible: For two stylish looks in one. Button Fastening: To keep your duvet securely in place. Envelope Closure: Providing a secure and snug fit for your pillow. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
Catherine Lansfield - Bettbezug-Set mit geometrischem Norwegermuster aus 100% gebürsteter BaumwolleDoppelt Catherine Lansfield - Bettbezug-Set mit geometrischem Norwegermuster aus 100% gebürsteter BaumwolleDoppelt 46 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Transform your bedroom into a serene retreat with this cosy Fairisle pattern bedding set. Inspired by the traditional knitting technique, this set features a charming pattern with a modern twist. The subtle hues of red, cream, and pink are interwoven with detailed geometric shapes and stripes, creating a cosy yet sophisticated look in any bedroom. Fully reversible with a co-ordinating scandi style pattern offering two looks in one. Created from a soft and cosy brushed Cotton, this bedlinen promises to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the night. Brushed Cotton: Soft flannelette offering a cosy and warm feel. Fully Reversible: For two stylish looks in one. Button Fastening: To keep your duvet securely in place. Envelope Closure: Providing a secure and snug fit for your pillow. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle
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Catherine Lansfield - Meadowsweet - Set mit 2 geblümten, abwischbaren Platzsets aus 100 % BaumwolleEinheitsgröße Catherine Lansfield - Meadowsweet - Set mit 2 geblümten, abwischbaren Platzsets aus 100 % BaumwolleEinheitsgröße 19.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality, designed and developed in Great Britain. A perfect freshen up to any kitchen, this design of hand painted floral silhouettes takes inspiration from the rural countryside. Featuring an easy wipe surface, these mats are perfect to keep your table clean and on trend everyday. Each placemat measures 30 x 46cm and supplied in a pack of 2. Made to quality and safety standards. Made from 100% Cotton with a easy wipe coating. Search 'Catherine Lansfield Meadowsweet Floral' to see the full collection. Nur abwischbar. 100 % Baumwolle.
Catherine Lansfield 2er-Set abwischbare Tischsets aus 100 % Baumwolle mit FloralmusterEinheitsgröße Catherine Lansfield 2er-Set abwischbare Tischsets aus 100 % Baumwolle mit FloralmusterEinheitsgröße 19.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Taking inspiration from still-life paintings, this design features: oversized Impressionist style blossoms and peonies dramatically placed over soft ground, with Japanese woodblock silhouettes creating a soft delicate layered design. Made from 100% Cotton with a easy wipe coating. Wipe Clean Only. Placemats- 30x46cm each. Nur abwischbar. 100 % Baumwolle.
Catherine Lansfield 100% Baumwolle antibakterielle Memory Schaum Badematte und SockelmatteEinheitsgröße Catherine Lansfield 100% Baumwolle antibakterielle Memory Schaum Badematte und SockelmatteEinheitsgröße 36.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Maximise comfort and style throughout your bathroom with our 2 piece anti-bacterial bath mat and pedestal mat, featuring a layer of memory foam for extra cushioning. The mats are finished with an anti-bacterial treatment to help hinder the growth of mould and bacteria for up to 20 washes. Ethically sourced overseas and made to quality and human-ecological safety standards. Made from 100% polyester face with a foam filling and PVC backing. at 30 degrees. 2 Piece Set includes a Bath Mat- 50 x 80cm & Pedestal- 50 x 40cm. Machine washable 100 % Polyester.
Catherine Lansfield 100% Baumwolle antibakterielle Memory Schaum Badematte und SockelmatteEinheitsgröße Catherine Lansfield 100% Baumwolle antibakterielle Memory Schaum Badematte und SockelmatteEinheitsgröße 36.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Maximise comfort and style throughout your bathroom with our 2 piece anti-bacterial bath mat and pedestal mat, featuring a layer of memory foam for extra cushioning. The mats are finished with an anti-bacterial treatment to help hinder the growth of mould and bacteria for up to 20 washes. Ethically sourced overseas and made to quality and human-ecological safety standards. Made from 100% polyester face with a foam filling and PVC backing. at 30 degrees. 2 Piece Set includes a Bath Mat- 50 x 80cm & Pedestal- 50 x 40cm. Machine washable 100 % Polyester.
Catherine Lansfield 100% Baumwolle antibakterielle Memory Schaum Badematte und SockelmatteEinheitsgröße Catherine Lansfield 100% Baumwolle antibakterielle Memory Schaum Badematte und SockelmatteEinheitsgröße 36.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Maximise comfort and style throughout your bathroom with our 2 piece anti-bacterial bath mat and pedestal mat, featuring a layer of memory foam for extra cushioning. The mats are finished with an anti-bacterial treatment to help hinder the growth of mould and bacteria for up to 20 washes. Ethically sourced overseas and made to quality and human-ecological safety standards. Made from 100% polyester face with a foam filling and PVC backing. at 30 degrees. 2 Piece Set includes a Bath Mat- 50 x 80cm & Pedestal- 50 x 40cm. Machine washable 100 % Polyester.
Catherine Lansfield 100% Baumwolle antibakterielle Memory Schaum Badematte und SockelmatteEinheitsgröße Catherine Lansfield 100% Baumwolle antibakterielle Memory Schaum Badematte und SockelmatteEinheitsgröße 36.95 EUR Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Maximise comfort and style throughout your bathroom with our 2 piece anti-bacterial bath mat and pedestal mat, featuring a layer of memory foam for extra cushioning. The mats are finished with an anti-bacterial treatment to help hinder the growth of mould and bacteria for up to 20 washes. Ethically sourced overseas and made to quality and human-ecological safety standards. Made from 100% polyester face with a foam filling and PVC backing. at 30 degrees. 2 Piece Set includes a Bath Mat- 50 x 80cm & Pedestal- 50 x 40cm. Machine washable 100 % Polyester.
Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set38 R Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set38 R 84 EUR Snuggle up after a long day in style with these cosy pyjamas from Bath & Body Works. Crafted from a beautifully soft cotton and finished with an all-over cherry print, this fashionable two piece includes a traditional long sleeve shirt silhouette with front button fastenings and wide leg trousers with an adjustable drawstring waistband. Front pockets and branded details add the final touches to this dreamy set. Machine washable. Pyjama Top and Pyjama Bottom 100% Cotton.
Catherine Lansfield 2 Pack Flamingo Giraffe 100% Baumwolle StrandtücherEinheitsgröße Catherine Lansfield 2 Pack Flamingo Giraffe 100% Baumwolle StrandtücherEinheitsgröße 35.95 EUR Bring fun and sunshine along to the beach with these super soft lightweight beach towels. Featuring one photographic giraffe on a fun yellow base and the other a fun flamingo design against a contrasting blue back drop. Catherine Lansfield is renowned for style and quality - designed and developed in Great Britain. Ethically sourced overseas and made to quality and human-ecological safety standards, in accordance with STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®. Waschmaschinenfest 100 % Baumwolle.
Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set40 R Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set40 R 84 EUR Snuggle up after a long day in style with these cosy pyjamas from Bath & Body Works. Crafted from a beautifully soft cotton and finished with an all-over cherry print, this fashionable two piece includes a traditional long sleeve shirt silhouette with front button fastenings and wide leg trousers with an adjustable drawstring waistband. Front pockets and branded details add the final touches to this dreamy set. Machine washable. Pyjama Top and Pyjama Bottom 100% Cotton.
Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set36 R Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set36 R 84 EUR Snuggle up after a long day in style with these cosy pyjamas from Bath & Body Works. Crafted from a beautifully soft cotton and finished with an all-over cherry print, this fashionable two piece includes a traditional long sleeve shirt silhouette with front button fastenings and wide leg trousers with an adjustable drawstring waistband. Front pockets and branded details add the final touches to this dreamy set. Machine washable. Pyjama Top and Pyjama Bottom 100% Cotton.
Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set52 R Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set52 R 84 EUR Snuggle up after a long day in style with these cosy pyjamas from Bath & Body Works. Crafted from a beautifully soft cotton and finished with an all-over cherry print, this fashionable two piece includes a traditional long sleeve shirt silhouette with front button fastenings and wide leg trousers with an adjustable drawstring waistband. Front pockets and branded details add the final touches to this dreamy set. Machine washable. Pyjama Top and Pyjama Bottom 100% Cotton.
Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set44 R Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set44 R 84 EUR Snuggle up after a long day in style with these cosy pyjamas from Bath & Body Works. Crafted from a beautifully soft cotton and finished with an all-over cherry print, this fashionable two piece includes a traditional long sleeve shirt silhouette with front button fastenings and wide leg trousers with an adjustable drawstring waistband. Front pockets and branded details add the final touches to this dreamy set. Machine washable. Pyjama Top and Pyjama Bottom 100% Cotton.
Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set50 R Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set50 R 84 EUR Snuggle up after a long day in style with these cosy pyjamas from Bath & Body Works. Crafted from a beautifully soft cotton and finished with an all-over cherry print, this fashionable two piece includes a traditional long sleeve shirt silhouette with front button fastenings and wide leg trousers with an adjustable drawstring waistband. Front pockets and branded details add the final touches to this dreamy set. Machine washable. Pyjama Top and Pyjama Bottom 100% Cotton.
Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set48 R Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set48 R 84 EUR Snuggle up after a long day in style with these cosy pyjamas from Bath & Body Works. Crafted from a beautifully soft cotton and finished with an all-over cherry print, this fashionable two piece includes a traditional long sleeve shirt silhouette with front button fastenings and wide leg trousers with an adjustable drawstring waistband. Front pockets and branded details add the final touches to this dreamy set. Machine washable. Pyjama Top and Pyjama Bottom 100% Cotton.
Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set46 R Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set46 R 84 EUR Snuggle up after a long day in style with these cosy pyjamas from Bath & Body Works. Crafted from a beautifully soft cotton and finished with an all-over cherry print, this fashionable two piece includes a traditional long sleeve shirt silhouette with front button fastenings and wide leg trousers with an adjustable drawstring waistband. Front pockets and branded details add the final touches to this dreamy set. Machine washable. Pyjama Top and Pyjama Bottom 100% Cotton.
Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set42 R Bath & Body Works 100% Cotton Button Through Pyjamas Set42 R 84 EUR Snuggle up after a long day in style with these cosy pyjamas from Bath & Body Works. Crafted from a beautifully soft cotton and finished with an all-over cherry print, this fashionable two piece includes a traditional long sleeve shirt silhouette with front button fastenings and wide leg trousers with an adjustable drawstring waistband. Front pockets and branded details add the final touches to this dreamy set. Machine washable. Pyjama Top and Pyjama Bottom 100% Cotton.