Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7)

115 EUR Erkunden Sie die ausführliche Karte mit umfassenden Informationen, vergleichen Sie die Preise und finden Sie die Merkmale von Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7), erhältlich zum Preis von 115 EUR; gehört zur Kategorie Herren Sportschuhe; der Verkäufer ist und der Hersteller ist Adidas.

With a slim shape and sleek feel, the Samoa is a casual streetwear classic. These shoes have a leather upper with contrast 3-Stripes and a Trefoil logo on the tongue. The rubber toe bumper is a Samoa signature. Everything rides on an EVA midsole for all-day comfort. Leder.

EAN: 4003428270310
Versandkosten: 0 EUR
Verfügbarkeit: in stock
Lieferzeit: 4 Werktagen
Zustand: new

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Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 8) Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 8) 115 EUR With a slim shape and sleek feel, the Samoa is a casual streetwear classic. These shoes have a leather upper with contrast 3-Stripes and a Trefoil logo on the tongue. The rubber toe bumper is a Samoa signature. Everything rides on an EVA midsole for all-day comfort. Leder.
Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 8) Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 8) 115 EUR With a slim shape and sleek feel, the Samoa is a casual streetwear classic. These shoes have a leather upper with contrast 3-Stripes and a Trefoil logo on the tongue. The rubber toe bumper is a Samoa signature. Everything rides on an EVA midsole for all-day comfort. Leder.
Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7) Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7) 130 EUR A classic reimagined. The Gazelle Shoes first stepped out in 1971, and they've been making waves ever since. Originally made for training, their retro style and premium feel turned them into an icon beyond the gym. This version is built from leather and synthetic material, with a soft lining for extra comfort. Step into the past and walk confidently into the future with these legendary adidas Originals. Lace closure. Obermaterial - Futter und Decksohle aus Leder - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7) Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7) 130 EUR Once relegated to training, the adidas Gazelle shoes have transformed into an icon. Slip into the low-cut profile and experience what made this shoe a legend. A synthetic upper provides a sleek silhouette, while the textile lining keeps things comfortable inside. Whether heading to the park or grabbing coffee with friends, the rubber outsole offers grip for all your moves. Linking generations through a shared commitment to style and excellence, these shoes continue the adidas tradition of timeless design. Obermaterial - Futter und Decksohle aus Leder - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Originals Ozweego TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Originals Ozweego TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 138 EUR The future doesn't erase the past. It builds off of it. Think of any sci-fi film you've seen. Innovation and technology may reign supreme, but the nostalgia of the past is undeniable. Playing with that idea, these adidas OZWEEGO Shoes fuse retro elements with futuristic design lines. Targeted support in the forefoot and heel makes for a supremely comfortable ride. Obermaterial - Leder, Sohle - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 130 EUR Lace-up a pair of adidas Gazelles and feel the vintage vibes. Bringing back the 1991 form, this reissue offers the signature suede upper in versatile colours. Contrasting details pop against the sleek silhouette and tie-in the rubber sole for a cohesive effortless style. Whatever the occasion, these shoes are ready to make a bold statement. Obermaterial - Leder, Hauptmaterial - sonstiges Material. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 45.5 (UK 10.5) Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 45.5 (UK 10.5) 115 EUR With a slim shape and sleek feel, the Samoa is a casual streetwear classic. These shoes have a leather upper with contrast 3-Stripes and a Trefoil logo on the tongue. The rubber toe bumper is a Samoa signature. Everything rides on an EVA midsole for all-day comfort. Leder.
Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 47.5 (UK 12) Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 47.5 (UK 12) 115 EUR With a slim shape and sleek feel, the Samoa is a casual streetwear classic. These shoes have a leather upper with contrast 3-Stripes and a Trefoil logo on the tongue. The rubber toe bumper is a Samoa signature. Everything rides on an EVA midsole for all-day comfort. Leder.
Adidas Samba OG In Cream For Women – 6 UK - 39 1/3 EU - 7.5 US / Cream Adidas Samba OG In Cream For Women – 6 UK - 39 1/3 EU - 7.5 US / Cream 129 EUR Die Adidas Damen Samba Og Trainer sind eine klassische Wahl für alle, die eine Kombination aus Stil und Komfort suchen. Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Leder, bieten diese Trainer ein elegantes und strapazierfähiges Finish. Das Leder ist sowohl flexibel als auch robust und sorgt für ausreichende Unterstützung im Alltag.Speziell für Frauen entworfen, verfügen diese Trainer über das ikonische Drei-Streifen-Branding in Schwarz, das wunderschön im Kontrast zum weißen Leder steht. Zudem erhöht die Sohle die ästhetische Anziehungskraft, wodurch die Trainer vielseitig mit verschiedenen Outfits kombinierbar sind.Der Komfort wird durch das gepolsterte Innenfutter und die gepolsterte Einlegesohle weiter verbessert, was langes Tragen angenehm für die Füße macht. Die Trainer sind mit schwarzen Schnürsenkeln gesichert, und das goldene Adidas-Logo auf der Zunge verleiht dem Gesamtdesign einen Hauch von Eleganz. Ideal für lässige Ausflüge oder sportliche Aktivitäten sind die Samba Og Trainer eine stilvolle und praktische Ergänzung für jede Garderobe. Der adidas Samba OG ist ein echtes Must-have für alle Trendsetter. Er wurde ursprünglich als Hallenfußballschuh designt, ist aber längst zum Lifestyle-Sneaker avanciert. Das Obermaterial aus hochwertigem Leder und die Nubuk-Overlays verpassen der legendären Silhouette einen stylishen Touch. Goldfarbene Akzente und die typischen 3-Streifen an den Seiten sorgen für authentischen adidas Style. Ein echter Klassiker, neu aufgelegt für die Trendsetter von heute. adidas Samba Og W - crewht/cblack/sanstr Synthetic,Textile Textile Textile Rubber Farbe: Beige. Form: Halbschuhe. Nutzertyp: Damen. Saison: Ganzjährig. Schaftstoff: Naturleder.
Adidas Samba OG 3 Stripes Retro Contrast 70s Damen Ledersneaker in Weiß Grau – 6 UK - 39 1/3 EU - 7.5 US / White Grey Adidas Samba OG 3 Stripes Retro Contrast 70s Damen Ledersneaker in Weiß Grau – 6 UK - 39 1/3 EU - 7.5 US / White Grey 137.12 EUR Diese klassischen Turnschuhe zeichnen sich durch ein vom Vintage inspiriertes Design mit einem modernen Touch aus. Sie präsentieren ein weißes Leder Obermaterial, das durch graue Akzente, einschließlich der ikonischen drei Streifen und der Fersenlasche, kontrastiert wird. Die Gummilaufsohle bietet Traktion und Haltbarkeit und macht sie geeignet für den täglichen Gebrauch. Die Adidas Samba OG Sneaker für Damen haben folgende Eigenschaften:Die Adidas Samba OG Sneaker für Damensind zeitlose Schuhe im sportlichen Look, da sie ursprünglich für den Hallenfußball gemacht wurden. Eigenschaften:Passform:normale Passform; Schnürverschluss Obermaterial:Leder Dämpfung:Textilfutter sorgt für ein gepolstertes Tragegefühl Laufsohle:Gummilaufsohle Farbe:weiß - hellgrau Material:Leder - Synthetik - Textil - Gummi Das Samba-Modell debütierte als Schuhwerk für den Hallensport. Im Laufe der Zeit tauchten Adidas Samba immer häufiger auf den Straßen der Stadt auf, bis sie den Status eines Kult-Sneakers erlangten. Diese Schuhe waren vor allem dank ihres klassischen Designs erfolgreich. Das Obermaterial des Schuhwerks besteht aus Naturleder. Die Gummiaußensohle sorgt für hervorragende Traktion. Adidas Samba OG W IE0877 ist ein klassisches Sportschuhmodell, das Retro-Stil mit modernem Komfort verbindet. Ursprünglich in den 1950er Jahren als Hallenfußballschuhe entworfen, sind sie heute eine Ikone der urbanen Mode. Sie bestehen aus hochwertigen Materialien und sorgen für Langlebigkeit und Alltagskomfort. Die charakteristischen drei Streifen und die Gummisohle verleihen ihnen einen einzigartigen Look. Sie eignen sich sowohl für den sportlichen als auch für den lässigen Stil und sind eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für jeden Liebhaber von Klassikern mit einem modernen Touch.
Adidas Samba OG 3 Stripes Retro Contrast 70s Damen Ledersneaker in Weiß Grau – 6 UK - 39 1/3 EU - 7.5 US / White Grey Adidas Samba OG 3 Stripes Retro Contrast 70s Damen Ledersneaker in Weiß Grau – 6 UK - 39 1/3 EU - 7.5 US / White Grey 137.12 EUR Diese klassischen Turnschuhe zeichnen sich durch ein vom Vintage inspiriertes Design mit einem modernen Touch aus. Sie präsentieren ein weißes Leder Obermaterial, das durch graue Akzente, einschließlich der ikonischen drei Streifen und der Fersenlasche, kontrastiert wird. Die Gummilaufsohle bietet Traktion und Haltbarkeit und macht sie geeignet für den täglichen Gebrauch. Die Adidas Samba OG Sneaker für Damen haben folgende Eigenschaften:Die Adidas Samba OG Sneaker für Damensind zeitlose Schuhe im sportlichen Look, da sie ursprünglich für den Hallenfußball gemacht wurden. Eigenschaften:Passform:normale Passform; Schnürverschluss Obermaterial:Leder Dämpfung:Textilfutter sorgt für ein gepolstertes Tragegefühl Laufsohle:Gummilaufsohle Farbe:weiß - hellgrau Material:Leder - Synthetik - Textil - Gummi Das Samba-Modell debütierte als Schuhwerk für den Hallensport. Im Laufe der Zeit tauchten Adidas Samba immer häufiger auf den Straßen der Stadt auf, bis sie den Status eines Kult-Sneakers erlangten. Diese Schuhe waren vor allem dank ihres klassischen Designs erfolgreich. Das Obermaterial des Schuhwerks besteht aus Naturleder. Die Gummiaußensohle sorgt für hervorragende Traktion. Adidas Samba OG W IE0877 ist ein klassisches Sportschuhmodell, das Retro-Stil mit modernem Komfort verbindet. Ursprünglich in den 1950er Jahren als Hallenfußballschuhe entworfen, sind sie heute eine Ikone der urbanen Mode. Sie bestehen aus hochwertigen Materialien und sorgen für Langlebigkeit und Alltagskomfort. Die charakteristischen drei Streifen und die Gummisohle verleihen ihnen einen einzigartigen Look. Sie eignen sich sowohl für den sportlichen als auch für den lässigen Stil und sind eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für jeden Liebhaber von Klassikern mit einem modernen Touch.
Adidas Originals Ozweego TurnschuheEU 42.5 (UK 8) Adidas Originals Ozweego TurnschuheEU 42.5 (UK 8) 138 EUR The future doesn't erase the past. It builds off of it. Think of any sci-fi film you've seen. Innovation and technology may reign supreme, but the nostalgia of the past is undeniable. Playing with that idea, these adidas OZWEEGO Shoes fuse retro elements with futuristic design lines. Targeted support in the forefoot and heel makes for a supremely comfortable ride. Obermaterial - Leder, Sohle - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 45 (UK 10) Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 45 (UK 10) 115 EUR With a slim shape and sleek feel, the Samoa is a casual streetwear classic. These shoes have a leather upper with contrast 3-Stripes and a Trefoil logo on the tongue. The rubber toe bumper is a Samoa signature. Everything rides on an EVA midsole for all-day comfort. Leder.
Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 41 (UK 7) Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 41 (UK 7) 130 EUR A classic reimagined. The Gazelle Shoes first stepped out in 1971, and they've been making waves ever since. Originally made for training, their retro style and premium feel turned them into an icon beyond the gym. This version is built from leather and synthetic material, with a soft lining for extra comfort. Step into the past and walk confidently into the future with these legendary adidas Originals. Lace closure. Obermaterial - Futter und Decksohle aus Leder - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 45 (UK 10) Adidas Originals Samoa TurnschuheEU 45 (UK 10) 115 EUR With a slim shape and sleek feel, the Samoa is a casual streetwear classic. These shoes have a leather upper with contrast 3-Stripes and a Trefoil logo on the tongue. The rubber toe bumper is a Samoa signature. Everything rides on an EVA midsole for all-day comfort. Leder.
Adidas originals Rod Laver TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 8) Adidas originals Rod Laver TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 8) 100 EUR Tennis, anyone? These iconic adidas Rod Laver Shoes pay homage to the 60s tennis legend with the same name. Slip into the classic, clean silhouette and bring your own game. Textil.
Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 42.5 (UK 8) Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 42.5 (UK 8) 130 EUR Lace-up a pair of adidas Gazelles and feel the vintage vibes. Bringing back the 1991 form, this reissue offers the signature suede upper in versatile colours. Contrasting details pop against the sleek silhouette and tie-in the rubber sole for a cohesive effortless style. Whatever the occasion, these shoes are ready to make a bold statement. Obermaterial - Leder, Hauptmaterial - sonstiges Material. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 77 EUR Embrace the energy of your run with the Runfalcon 5 W running shoes. Designed for adult women, these shoes offer a regular fit and are crafted from textiles and synthetics for durability. The rubber outsole ensures grip, while the full-length Cloudfoam 2.0 midsole provides ultimate comfort. These lace-up shoes are made in part with recycled materials, reflecting adidas' commitment to sustainability. With an engineered mesh design and an Ortholite sockliner, they ensure breathability and long-lasting comfort on energized runs. Inspired by Pureboost 5, these shoes deliver value and comfort for entry-level runners. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 69 EUR Experience the freedom of movement with the Galaxy 7 running shoes for women. Designed for those aiming to run the distance, these shoes offer a regular fit and are made from textile and synthetics for durability. The Cloudfoam technology provides maximum cushioning and comfort, while the TPU outsole ensures stability. Made in part with recycled materials, these lace-up shoes are not only supportive but also sustainable. Perfect for your first easy runs or daily jogging sessions. Textil.
Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 77 EUR Embrace the energy of your run with the Runfalcon 5 W running shoes. Designed for adult women, these shoes offer a regular fit and are crafted from textiles and synthetics for durability. The rubber outsole ensures grip, while the full-length Cloudfoam 2.0 midsole provides ultimate comfort. These lace-up shoes are made in part with recycled materials, reflecting adidas' commitment to sustainability. With an engineered mesh design and an Ortholite sockliner, they ensure breathability and long-lasting comfort on energized runs. Inspired by Pureboost 5, these shoes deliver value and comfort for entry-level runners. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 77 EUR Embrace the energy of your run with the Runfalcon 5 W running shoes. Designed for adult women, these shoes offer a regular fit and are crafted from textiles and synthetics for durability. The rubber outsole ensures grip, while the full-length Cloudfoam 2.0 midsole provides ultimate comfort. These lace-up shoes are made in part with recycled materials, reflecting adidas' commitment to sustainability. With an engineered mesh design and an Ortholite sockliner, they ensure breathability and long-lasting comfort on energized runs. Inspired by Pureboost 5, these shoes deliver value and comfort for entry-level runners. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Crazychaos 2000 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Crazychaos 2000 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 107 EUR Embrace the fusion of style and comfort with the CrazyChaos 2000 shoes for women. Inspired by the era of 2000 running shoes, these sneakers are perfect for both casual streetwear and running. The breathable mesh upper pairs seamlessly with valuable synthetic overlays, offering durability and a chic aesthetic. Experience exceptional comfort thanks to the soft Cloudfoam midsole and robust rubber outsole. Lace up in these timeless classics and step into the future of classic footwear. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Response Super TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Response Super TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 123 EUR Whatever your distance and pace, stay strong through the finish in these adidas running shoes. The lightweight Dreamstrike+ midsole cushions every step for a comfortable ride. Breathable monomesh on the upper keeps your feet cool for the duration. Full-length rubber rods on the outsole provide grip on variable surfaces so you feel confident across the kilometres. This product features at least 20% recycled materials. By reusing materials that have already been created, we help to reduce waste and our reliance on finite resources and reduce the footprint of the products we make. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 77 EUR From the track to the treadmill, run toward your goals in these running shoes from adidas. The cushy Cloudfoam midsole feels soft and supportive from the minute you step in. A breathable mesh upper and durable Adiwear outsole make these go-to trainers perfect for all-day wear. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 77 EUR From the track to the treadmill, run toward your goals in these running shoes from adidas. The cushy Cloudfoam midsole feels soft and supportive from the minute you step in. A breathable mesh upper and durable Adiwear outsole make these go-to trainers perfect for all-day wear. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 77 EUR Embrace the energy of your run with the Runfalcon 5 W running shoes. Designed for adult women, these shoes offer a regular fit and are crafted from textiles and synthetics for durability. The rubber outsole ensures grip, while the full-length Cloudfoam 2.0 midsole provides ultimate comfort. These lace-up shoes are made in part with recycled materials, reflecting adidas' commitment to sustainability. With an engineered mesh design and an Ortholite sockliner, they ensure breathability and long-lasting comfort on energized runs. Inspired by Pureboost 5, these shoes deliver value and comfort for entry-level runners. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Breaknet TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Breaknet TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 69 EUR Embrace the sleek sophistication of the Breaknet Sleek Shoes for women. These tennis-inspired shoes feature a slim, modern look with classic and contemporary design elements. The synthetic upper ensures durability, while the rubber outsole provides reliable traction. A memory foam sockliner offers instant comfort from the first step, and the visible three-stripe branding adds an iconic touch. Subtle feminine detailing and material mix options elevate these lace-up shoes to a new level of street style. Made in part with recycled materials, they're not just stylish but sustainable too. Perfect for casual wear or a quick game on the court. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Galaxy 7 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Galaxy 7 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 69 EUR Experience the freedom of movement with the Galaxy 7 running shoes for women. Designed for those aiming to run the distance, these shoes offer a regular fit and are made from textile and synthetics for durability. The Cloudfoam technology provides maximum cushioning and comfort, while the TPU outsole ensures stability. Made in part with recycled materials, these lace-up shoes are not only supportive but also sustainable. Perfect for your first easy runs or daily jogging sessions. Textil.
Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 69 EUR Experience the freedom of movement with the Galaxy 7 running shoes for women. Designed for those aiming to run the distance, these shoes offer a regular fit and are made from textile and synthetics for durability. The Cloudfoam technology provides maximum cushioning and comfort, while the TPU outsole ensures stability. Made in part with recycled materials, these lace-up shoes are not only supportive but also sustainable. Perfect for your first easy runs or daily jogging sessions. Textil.
Adidas Galaxy 7 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Galaxy 7 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 69 EUR Experience max-cushioning redefined with the Galaxy 7 running shoes. Designed with Cloudfoam technology for superior cushioning and support, these shoes ensure comfort throughout your run. Crafted from a blend of textile and synthetic materials, they offer durability and breathability. With their recycled components, you're not just running for personal bests: you're also taking strides for sustainability. Run far, feel good. Textil.
Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 69 EUR Experience the freedom of movement with the Galaxy 7 running shoes for women. Designed for those aiming to run the distance, these shoes offer a regular fit and are made from textile and synthetics for durability. The Cloudfoam technology provides maximum cushioning and comfort, while the TPU outsole ensures stability. Made in part with recycled materials, these lace-up shoes are not only supportive but also sustainable. Perfect for your first easy runs or daily jogging sessions. Textil.
Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 41 (UK 7) Adidas Originals Gazelle TurnschuheEU 41 (UK 7) 130 EUR Lace-up a pair of adidas Gazelles and feel the vintage vibes. Bringing back the 1991 form, this reissue offers the signature suede upper in versatile colours. Contrasting details pop against the sleek silhouette and tie-in the rubber sole for a cohesive effortless style. Whatever the occasion, these shoes are ready to make a bold statement. Obermaterial - Leder, Hauptmaterial - sonstiges Material. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Runfalcon 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 77 EUR From the track to the treadmill, run toward your goals in these running shoes from adidas. The cushy Cloudfoam midsole feels soft and supportive from the minute you step in. A breathable mesh upper and durable Adiwear outsole make these go-to trainers perfect for all-day wear. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.
Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 69 EUR Experience the freedom of movement with the Galaxy 7 running shoes for women. Designed for those aiming to run the distance, these shoes offer a regular fit and are made from textile and synthetics for durability. The Cloudfoam technology provides maximum cushioning and comfort, while the TPU outsole ensures stability. Made in part with recycled materials, these lace-up shoes are not only supportive but also sustainable. Perfect for your first easy runs or daily jogging sessions. Textil.
Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 69 EUR Experience the freedom of movement with the Galaxy 7 running shoes for women. Designed for those aiming to run the distance, these shoes offer a regular fit and are made from textile and synthetics for durability. The Cloudfoam technology provides maximum cushioning and comfort, while the TPU outsole ensures stability. Made in part with recycled materials, these lace-up shoes are not only supportive but also sustainable. Perfect for your first easy runs or daily jogging sessions. Textil.
Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 69 EUR Experience the freedom of movement with the Galaxy 7 running shoes for women. Designed for those aiming to run the distance, these shoes offer a regular fit and are made from textile and synthetics for durability. The Cloudfoam technology provides maximum cushioning and comfort, while the TPU outsole ensures stability. Made in part with recycled materials, these lace-up shoes are not only supportive but also sustainable. Perfect for your first easy runs or daily jogging sessions. Textil.
Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) Adidas Galaxy 5 TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7.5) 69 EUR Experience the freedom of movement with the Galaxy 7 running shoes for women. Designed for those aiming to run the distance, these shoes offer a regular fit and are made from textile and synthetics for durability. The Cloudfoam technology provides maximum cushioning and comfort, while the TPU outsole ensures stability. Made in part with recycled materials, these lace-up shoes are not only supportive but also sustainable. Perfect for your first easy runs or daily jogging sessions. Textil.
Adidas Run Falcon TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7) Adidas Run Falcon TurnschuheEU 42 (UK 7) 77 EUR When your run takes you off the track, lace up these adidas running shoes. They're made for adventurous runs on park trails and uneven terrain with a water-repellent upper that sheds splashes of water and a lugged Adiwear outsole that grips as you go. Cloudfoam cushioning gives you all you the plush support you expect from a Runfalcon. Obermaterial - Textil, Futter und Decksohle - Textil. Außensohle: - Sonstige Materialien.